Thursday, September 04, 2003

Opening Statement

I'm almost done with my second week of law school. I really would have like to have started this sooner, but I see now that free time is really a luxury.

That luxury was fully taken advantage of tonight. For the past two weeks, I have done nothing but homework (or drinking). I actually had my first homework assignment due the second day of orientation. I don't know about you, but when I start school, and they talk about orientation, I get the image of a group of people sitting in a circle saying their name, hometown, and three interesting facts. It never fails, though, that your interesting facts are actually quite boring. Even if you plan for it, you are always stuck giving the stupidest three things about yourself that anyone could think of.

I didn't have that problem in law school. It was pretty much here's the school; here's a class. Have fun. That should have been a pretty good indication of how the rest of my year was going to be.

I have managed to stay about a day ahead in my homework. That left some free time tonight. I actually sat down and watched TV. I didn't understand the beauty of mindless entertainment until tonight. It was great because my mind didn't have to do anything. I feel more relaxed than ever. Just don't ask me about my feelings after a day of class. I'll show you one day about what I'm going to call "law school delireum." It takes over about 3 pm every day. Funny, that's when the temperature hits about 90 as well. I wonder if there's a connection.

Well, I certainly don't have the power to think about it tonight. I'm just goning to go to bed now. I have a few classes in the morning, and I will have completed week two of my law school experience. It's amazing how fast things fly by.


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