Monday, January 23, 2006

POP Goes the Weasel

I noticed that my armpit was a little sore a while back. I thought it was just a normal thing I get every now and then.

On Friday, it wasn't gone yet. In fact, it had gotten bigger. I called my mom and she suggested it was an ingrown hair or a blocked sweat gland. Greeeeeaaaat.

On Saturday, it was worse and actually uncomfortable. I called my uncle (who is a doctor). He was going to look into getting some numbing medicine.

On Sunday, my uncle couldn't find the medicine. I called OHSU family medical center. The doctor told me if it didn't pop on its own, I'd have to go in the next day.

On Monday, my lump was larger and actually red. I skipped my first class. I made an appointment. I went into the doctor's office. When the doctor saw the lump, she was a little surprised by how ready it was to pop. She consulted another doctor to make sure that her assessment was right.

The needle. I had to be numbed. I hate that I don't like needles. Pricky and burny. Then I was numb. When the doctor cut into the lump, IT WHEEZED! There was so much pressure that my lump wheezed. We all laughed. I couldn't stop laughing.

I'm a little sore now. But that lump is gone. Thank god. I still want to laugh when I think of the wheezing.


At 5:27 PM, Blogger Big Ben said...

Wheezing lumps! I could have down without that.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger e said...

A needle in your armpit?


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