Wednesday, September 10, 2003


I still don't have my money, but that's not what I'm talking about today. I'm actually sick of talking about it. I would just love to have my money, but none of this whining is going to fix it.

Instead, I feel like talking about something else that whining can't fix. I am now smitten with another 1L. This is just kind of sad since I've only been going to school for two and a half weeks. The other really sad part about this is that I could honestly be over him tomorrow. Things turn around really quickly for me in that way.

Besides that, I still really like him right now. Last week I was in the middle of liking him and not knowing if I liked him. In fact, I was convinced that he didn't even want to talk to me because he seemed to run away everytime I saw him on campus, but this weekend we met up at a party again (we didn't make plans to meet up, if that's what you're thinking happened), and we talked a bit. This week we're actually talking to each other for maybe a minute instead of ten seconds. I would call that improvement.

You might be asking yourself, "Why is this relevant to law school?" There are two simple reasons. 1) Our law school is REALLY small, so if something happens (good or bad) then everyone and their dog (because half of the people bring their dogs to school) would know about it. 2) He's in one of my classes.

I just have to remain thankful that he's only in one. He's actually in my line of vision, so I tend to see him ALL through class. It's actually quite funny when he turns around when I start talking. I tend to look at him because he's looking at me. Then throughout the rest of the class he's looking through the corner of his eye, probably to see if I'm looking at him. I really only start to look when I think he's starting to look.

There are two possibilities here: 1) He thinks I'm hot and wants to keep looking at me, or 2) He's trying to figure out why this freak in the back of the class keeps looking at him instead of the teacher. (I'm definitely leaning more towards 2 on this one.)

Other than that, the only other really interesting thing that happened today was told that I will have to get permission to start attending some of my supplemental TA sessions. Do you know why? It's because I'm WHITE! Ahhh! We don't have this reverse discrimination where I'm from. In the south, we still give everything to everyone. Needless to say I was a little peeved. What's really odd about this whole situation is that she is the only TA who made a stink about it, and she has been the worst TA we have seen so far.

(Oh, and my guy went to this TA session, too. He sat next to me and my friends. I also was convinced today that he liked one of my two friends I always hang out with. I had valid (or not so valid) reasons for why it could have been either of them. The whole point was that he liked one of them, but not me. I'm glad to know that I still think I'm in third grade. Maybe I can get one of my friends to write a note to him for me...Lame.)


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