I Don't Understand Americans

I really don't get what is so appealing about Kerry. I look at him and see someone not very charismatic, someone who has been in Washington too long, and someone who I just don't connect with. I don't understand how almost every single primary (except S.C. for Edwards, O.K. for Clark, and Vt. for Dean) went for Kerry. What am I missing? Maybe I jumped on the Dean train to early (now they're asking for money to end the campaign... go figure), but I really felt a connection with him.
I even liked Edwards... to an extent. Actually, I thought he was attractive, and usually people go for that sort of thing. I'm not just being superficial. There have been tests to prove this fact.
Judge me if you will, but I'm sad now. I think I may just "throw away my vote" and vote for Nader. I regret not doing it last time. I'm just torn because I really want to get Bush out of office. I really don't see that happening now. Four more years... then I'll be a lawyer and can donate tons of money (well, a nice bit) to Hillary Clinton. She's one woman I would love to see president.
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