It's late (almost 11 pm), I'm a bit tired, and I still have laundry to finish. Hold on while I go check on the buzzing dryer...

I remember when I was obsessive about my clothes. I used to check all the labels and make sure they were all hung and laid flat to dry. Now, I just about throw anything into the dryer unless I have some sneaking suspicion that it is a little two mesh or cotton-y and will come out in shreds or Barbie-sized. I just want to get it done now. The only thing I spend any length of time worrying about is my underwear, mostly because it's the clothing I have to spend the most on and wear the most, hence the wearing out quicker than other pieces of clothing. And underwear is not something you skimp on. If it's not looking good underneath, it's not looking good outside.

I'm going to start on my "beginners" video to try and warm up. Hopefully, the "intermediate" one will arrive any day. The beginners tape is so slow because they have to go slow with the explanation and demonstrating. Maybe I need that slowness now. We'll see. I'm going to start tomorrow morning because I did all the reading for the week except for three, which I'll get done day by day, finishing up Wednesday. I'm getting a whole lot better at this homework thing. Maybe I'll do a whole lot better on this grades thing, too.

Ah, civ pro tomorrow. Maybe then I'll be able to explain to you why supplemental jurisdiction is so important. Until then, follow the procedures and maybe you won't be 12(b)(6)-ed or rule 11-ed.
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