Potential Job Musings
It’s been a while since I’ve found the time to sit down and write. Well, actually I have had the time to write, but I’ve instead decided to practice my typing with “Typer Shark.” It’s quite an exciting game. I’m up to the hard level. I would like to get my WPM up to 60 consistently. It’s a tough goal, but I think I can do it.

There is a good possibility that I won’t get the job because there are only 40 total positions available. Each division, except for a few large ones, only takes about two or three clerks. If I don’t get the DOJ job, there is still a good bit of time to try and find other jobs. I had a meeting with the Career Services head, and she encouraged me to do some public interest jobs this summer. If I get a stipend from one the student organizations, then it would be fine. If I don’t get one, then I can’t do it because I need money this summer. I can’t afford to not have a job and get more loans.
Even if I don’t get a public interest job, a lot of small firms don’t even post new jobs until the end of the semester because they don’t know which clerks are staying and how much money they would have to pay for clerks this summer. This situation might be the best one, though, because I may be able to keep the small firm clerk job through the next year and defer some of my schooling costs or at least pay the interest on my loans.
I really would like to stop worrying about money. I know my parents would like to stop hearing about it. It would just be nice to know I’m doing alright. I bought tickets for me and BF to see “Chicago the Musical,” and I would like to be able to do things like that more often. In fact, BF and I are going to see another opera this Saturday. It’s getting close to the time where BF has to renew his opera tickets. I feel compelled to offer to pay for half, but that’s making a fairly brave statement because I would be saying, “I plan on being with you for at least another whole opera season.” That’s a little scary. And there may easily be a way to deal with the tickets if we break up, but do I even want to go there? On the flip side, is it fair to make him pay for tickets that he obviously will keep giving for me?
These are questions I’ll have to leave for another day. I think it’s time to go back to contracts and then more hand therapy (which doesn’t seem to be doing anything). Hopefully the day will get better after therapy.
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