Change of Heart

My how quickly things change. Remember when I said I could stop liking that guy the next day? Well, I did. I didn't really think it could or would happen, but I guess I was wrong.
It actually all stems from the extremely bizarre affirmative action program here. I don't quite understand why they feel the need to have one, but it's not an issue that I feel like going over AGAIN. It's been way too stressful these past two days.
To make a long story short, he and I have VERY conflicting ideas on some deep core issues. His ideas were so strong and determined, I realized that I couldn't ever look at him the same again. In short, I really just lost all respect for him.
To drastically change the subject, I had my first panic attack today. I never had one before. I was convinced that I was about to have a heart attack. If you've never had one before, let me explain it to you. All of a sudden it feels like your heart and lungs have just stopped. It feels like you're never going to breath again. Even though it only last for about 30-40 seconds, it feels like an enternity to you. I called my mom who convinced me that I wasn't going to die tomorrow. Apparently panic attacks just run in my family. I just never knew. I calmed down when I realized I wasn't going to die. I'm just glad I know now.
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