Sunday, August 14, 2005

Lame-O, or When Did I Become This Person?

How often is it that a girl goes to a club, finds a guy she's attracted to that she dances with, makes conversation with, and seems to hit it off with? I'd say not to often. So, that begs the question, what the hell happened?

I'd like to let everyone know I'm wondering the same thing. After a little steam on the dance floor, there was a bit of conversation. Then the male pals decided it was time to go. What does Mr. guy do? He informs Ms. interested that his friends want to go, but he expects to be in Portland a bit. Ms. interested flashes her best smile. Mr. guy then hugs Ms. interested and kisses her on the cheek.

And then leaves.


Totally lame-o, I know.

Being a bit peeved, Ms. interested decides to write a note. She hands it to someone who know someone who knows him.

I bet you're all wondering what the note said.

Mr. guy, when you grow a pair...
(555) phone number.

Was it the gargantuan amount of vodka or a bit of nerve that entered Ms. interested? All I know is she never does this. I'll keep you informed of what happens.


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