What Hollywood Has Taught Me about Religion
I'm glad Hollywood has cleared up a few questions for me. When the end of the world comes, it will happen as defined by the Roman Catholic Religion. A Catholic priest usually has the answer. The Virgin Mary, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit obviously protect us. The Catholic version of Heaven, Hell, and salvation are all that exist.
The only people who warrant protection from demons and vampires are Catholics, or at least those who bow to the Catholic ways. Holy water (as blessed by the priest) and the cross are a mortal's best protection. And as a vampire, it doesn't matter what religion you practiced when you were alive, you will cower before Catholic paraphernalia.
Also, Angels are pissed off as hell (no pun intended) at us humans. Apparently, they despise the fact that we get that silly salvation and forgiveness (as defined by the Catholic church) and the fact that we take it for granted. They're always trying to destroy humans. So... don't trust angels.
So basically, Catholicism is the only religion in the world. And angels hate us. Thanks, Hollywood. I don't know what I would have done without you.
The problem with portraying any other religion as THE ONE RELIGION is that, unfortunately, the majority of America is unable to accept such a construct. There is certainly little tolerance of Islam currently, and the anti-semitism of America- especially in the middle- is almost as prevalent (just less discussed) as the bias against blacks or homosexuals. People want something far-fetched, but with at least a kernel of similarity so they can relate to it. The demographics of America being what they are, Catholicism fits the bill to a T. That's why it is the most widely used in 'religious' movies, and why it might well be the only palatable (read profitable) religion for use in these films.
I know this may sound pessimistic, but the majority of Americans- most of whom are just now adjusting to a life with email and few of whom have dabbled in anything more than a comparative religion course in school, a copy of Gibran on the shelf or a couple viewings of Fiddler on the Roof- are not as open to another religion.
If they want to see somethying mystical and full of symbolism, odd practices and ritual, they want the one which is most fascinating and fantastic, but they also want the one which is most palatable, the one which is closest to their own. There's no way anyone is going to cop to thinking that the Episcopalians really nailed it, or that Methodists are the ones who really figured it out. Baptists might speak in tongues or roll in the aisles, but they have nothing on the history of 'The Church.' (See the success of The DaVinci Code) The one with history, mysticism, and a similar flavor is the one for them.
It's the same reason that more movies are made about the triumph of the republic rather than the successes of social democracy or the benefits of a constitutional monarchy. As a society, we (the BIG WE), aren't as apt to welcome or even entertain the notion that some other system, or some other philosophy is better or more true than out own.
I'm not making excuses, I'm just making observations. We (the much smaller we who read this blog or have read the Baghavad Gita, or actually thought about the Communist Manifesto) are not the target audience. It is, as it has been, and probably will be, the lowest common denominator. That doesn't always mean the dumbest or the least tolerant, just 99% of the time. It means the people who go out on a Friday or Saturday night and want to watch the latest blockbuster. And then talk about the God-centered aspects of it over coffee and crullers in Sunday School.
All the religions use to think that they are the only way to salvation but The Roman Catholic is the most cinematographic one.
The pope, the saints, the sacraments, the crusades, the old and strange traditions... perfect to make movies. The other religions are bored for Hollywood. (well all the other except the religion of the "Temple of Doom"; how was it? "Kalimaaaa kalimaaaa!" ).
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