Sunday, April 04, 2004

Procrastinate Should Have Been My Middle Name

I have an uncanny ability to not do work. I woke up the morning with an incredible urge for a donut. BF and I went around, looking for one. We couldn't find one, so we went to the Saturday Market instead (I swear that's what it's called even if today is Sunday). I had what is known to Porlanders as an elephant ear. It's this fried piece of dough sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. Very good replacement for a donut.

We walked around the market for a while. We decided it was time to go after a few hours. We went back to BF's apartment, but before we did, we needed to go to Fred Myers (a wal-mart/department store, or maybe just an upscaled wal-mart). We walked down Hawthorne to get there, stopping in many stores along the way.

Finally we made it to Fred Meyers, didn't buy anything, and then headed out. When we got back to his apartment, I asked him what time it was.

BF: "Ten after 3."
Me: "Then why do all your clocks say 4:15?"
BF: "Oh, did we just spring forward?"

AHHH. I lost an hour at 3 in the afternoon! I went home immediately to shower for a meeting at 6. I got absolutely no work done before the meeting.

I went to the SBA meeting because new members were invited to go. Waste of time. Banter about getting a general law review and promises of emails to explain what I do as secretary.

I then came home... to do nothing! Ah. I have my civ pro book open. I watched the Harry Potter preview (very good I might add... only 2 months away!). I've done a crossword. I've read some blogs.

I have a make up torts class tomorrow as well. I haven't done the homework for that class or my normal civ pro class (that starts 15 minutes early). It's a quarter to nine. I think I need to get my ass in gear.


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