Too Close for Comfort
In one month and 2 days I will be...

Oh my goodness. I can't take this. I'm getting old. I'm growing up. I'm on my way to a real job. Where did 21 go? Where did the endless nights of partying go? Where did my youth go?
Ok, well 21 disappeared almost 3 years ago. Gosh time flies. I never had endless nights of partying, but I would still like the opportunity to do so. And my youth disappears everyday. My parents were married by this point. In fact, my mom was really close to being pregnant with me.
I know, I know. Most of you will say I'm still young, but the numbers are frightening me. This is the first time in my life that I'm starting to wish birthdays didn't come. What kind of craziness is that?
I was boring at my job and by chance I found your post. Fine.
Please do not be scared about 24. Keep your fear till 30. I tell you, 30, this is the terrible, the awful birthday. Mine was two years ago and I'm still traumatized. I noticed people look at you in different way when you say "thirty.."; it didn't happen when I used to say "twenty..", people used to smile and talk to me.
And they told me that it's worst if you are a girl, but I don`t know why.
Now I see, the best age is always... NOW. Smile and enjoy it.
Happy next birthday :)
PD: Sorry my english. I'm still practising with it.
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