Saturday, June 24, 2006

Studying at its Finest

You know those naps you take that you think you're not really sleeping until you wake up and realize you were in a deep sleep? I managed to have one of those while studying. I started out sleeping just on my arms, then I ended up turned around, head on the pillows, under the covers somehow in the midst of my not-sleeping.

I woke up because my friend was calling. Thank god she did. I might have slept another hour or two. I was having weird dreams of trying to get a text book while my friends, all dressed in grey suits, were waiting in the library for a professor or something, but the librarian was slowly liberating a guy from the bowels of another professor by gathering his tie, books, etc as the other students cheered him on every time he picked up an item. Yeah, it was a weird dream.

Now I will finish my homework from today so I can do my homework from yesterday...


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