Saturday, June 26, 2004

Less Bitter

What's funny is I'm learning things every day that makes it easy to be away from Ex. I'm sure he's a nice guy deep down inside somewhere, but I've decided I don't think I could ever think of him that way. I just will always hold onto the fact that he couldn't be honest with me when it came to what he wanted out of the relationship. I wanted to be serious; he wanted someone to call when he wanted to do something.

He told a mutual friend (before things ever got bad between the two of us) that he never saw himself having kids with me. Then why stay in the relationship? That doesn't even make sense. Knowing that makes it easier to get over him because I know he was never on the same page and it wasn't that I didn't give him enough time.

Why even date someone then? I was always honest, and obviously he wasn't. I gave him numerous opportunities to tell me how he felt, and he always gave a cop out answer.

I'm almost me again. I'm still angry that he seems to be encroaching on my friends. He didn't want to hang out with them while we were dating, and now he's calling them to go do stuff. What's wrong with all his friends we hung out with when we were dating?

Anyway, I'm just rambling. I just really wanted to say, it's getting so much better, and soon, I won't feel bad at all about it.


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