Another Week in Law School
Ah, nothing is better than quick weeks. It makes the idea of first year a little easier to bear. I've done most of my homework up to Wednesday. I'm about to finish that up after this.
This weekend was interesting. A friend and I watched college football together Saturday afternoon. Since she played soccer in college, she's into sports all together. Since I graduated from a football school, I can't get enough of it.
Later that night, Soccer Friend and I went to a party after her recreational indoor soccer game. As we walked up the dark hill to the party, we must have walked through some portal of bizarreness.

The party was a pirate party, and most of the people were dressed up. The guys were all wasted and acted wierder than they ever had before. They were dancing around to pirate songs, jumping up and down (almost hitting their head on the low ceiling, playing intense games of beer pong, and listening to early 90s music. (Wow, that's a category now... Makes me feel old, but who wants to listen to Warren G. or old Matchbox 20 at a pirate party?) Even one of the other drunk guys said how bizarre the situation was. I was the DD that night, and I am just glad that I wasn't drinking. That scene was too odd to watch while drunk. At least I could try to understand it from my part. I hope I never go to a party like that again.
Soccer Friend and Roommate are convinced that Former Crushee likes me. SF has been to a number of parties/social gatherings with me and is sure that he spends most of his time trying to talk to me. (I'm not aware of this.) RM is convinced that every time he calls the house, he's just trying to get a hold of me. She's unconvinced by my story that he is just trying to get a hold of the trio in general. In any event, I just can't see myself with Crushee anymore. He's done more to make me think that all of his whooping and hollering about prejudgment was just that, but I can't help but think that I got a glimpse of what's really going on inside.
Ok, that's what's going on now. I'm going work on Legal Writing and Contracts. Maybe I'll get that done tonight.
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