What I didn't think would happen in law school would be the creation of an addiction to napping. I have never been a napper in my life. In kindergarten I would get in trouble for keeping the other kids up during nap time. In fact, my mom knew when I was getting sick if I started to sleep during the day. I'm just trying to fill you in on how I didn't nap. Even in college, if I tried to sleep other than at night, I became cranky and disoriented. I got up at 5 in the morning for practice three days a week, but yet I still didn't nap.

Something strange has happened the six weeks I have been in law school. I'm finding my power to stay away slowly draining. I always have an excuse, too. It's too early in the morning. It's too late in the afternoon. I just ate lunch. I'm hungry. The professor doesn't talk loudly enough. The professor talks too loudly. Well, I've never actually used the professor talking too loudly as an excuse for falling asleep... yet.

Yesterday I was sitting in the library doing some homework. As I was reading I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep focused. Then I noticed that I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. I decided that I had to try to sleep. For just a few minutes. I just laid my head down on the desk and closed my eyes. It was so easy and so peaceful. I was happy. Then SC lightly scratched me on the back to ask me a question. It was only ten minutes later, but I felt so refreshed.

This morning I was sitting in the library again. I decided to take a secluded seat by the window. I read for a good bit of time, but then I felt the need coming on again. I closed my book, laid down my head, and fell asleep. This time I slept for about 15 minutes. Yet again, I woke up refreshed. After lunch, I was in the library once more (are you noticing a theme here?). I felt awake and ready to study. I started reading. My eyes drooped. I couldn't resist. I TOOK ANOTHER 15 MINUTE NAP! Oh my gosh! What is wrong with me? I can't stay awake anymore. I can't keep napping like this. This has to be some sort of sickness. Twice in one day? Can I overdose on napping? What happens when I think I need a quick fix in class? Will I just break out the kindermat and catch some z's? I woke up with frickin' sleep marks on my face! "Oh, excuse me while I wipe the drool off my face... and book!" (No, I did not drool on my book. Instead I dreamt about future interests. Yeah, I can't even get away from school when I'm sleeping.)
I think this napping might be worse than coffee.
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