He Didn't Call

I actually didn't do anything this weekend. It's the first weekend that happened. I'm not sure it really bothers me, but I wish that I had done a little something.
Even though I didn't go anywhere, I still managed to slack on my homework yesterday. I have a memo due this week, and writing it is like trying to make my forehead bleed just by concentrating on writing. I got about 4 paragraphs of that done before I quit to watch my alma mater play.

After that was over, RM and I worked on homework until about 1 in the morning. At least I have contracts done. Then we talked until about 2. By the time I got to sleep, it was 2:30. Needless to say, I woke up a little late this morning. I have to try and finish my memo because I have a meeting with the professor tomorrow. In addition to that I have to finish Tuesday and Wednesday homework.
Gosh, my nature before law school was to procrastinate and feel no guilt. I now work two days in advance for all my classes. I even feel a twinge of guilt when I procrastinate. Nothing to bad because I'm still sitting here on my computer instead of actually doing homework.
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