Monday, August 23, 2004

So There's This Guy...

... and I think he just might like me. Here are some clues I've picked up on:

  1. He noticed how close a this guy (who was trying to pick me up with cheesy lines) was to me at a party, even imitating it at one point.
  2. When sitting next to me at a bar, he sat sideways on the chair to face me instead of the bar.
  3. When I said I was hungry, he said he was too and then proceeded to buy a large pizza for the two of us.
  4. I saw the video poker machines and indicated a desire to play them. Then, we spent his last 12 dollars, winning only one hand.
  5. He never played pool all night. Instead, he eventually moved into the seat right next to me, and we talked the entire night.
  6. He asked why he hadn't seen me the last few times the group went out. When I told him I was in LA and his sister (through whom I know him) was out of town, he asked why I didn't just call him. (Then I proceeded to tell him I didn't have his number and failed to do anything more about it.)

The kicker about number six: we've only hung out once before. And it was at a very loud and crowded bar.

How do I feel about it? I really like him. He should be coming over Thursday to play poker... Hopefully.

I'll keep you posted.


At 6:36 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Hi there! Just a random bloke travelling Blogger via the magical 'Next Blog' button. On that rarest occation when a blog holds my attention long enough to read any of it, I like to be gracious enough to post a hello...its only polite afteral! :o) Ok so...I'm big enough to admit I'm shallow enough that a cute pic is usually all it takes to hold my attention. ;o)

But with reference to this post, I'd have thought from what you say that the guy did like you, but...and I may be getting hold of the wrong end of the stick here, if you said you didn't call him because you didn't have his number and he didn't immediately offer you it, he either isn't that into you, or a complete moron...or probably both.

I'd round off now with something witty and endearing, but my minds gone blank use a well worn and ultimately meaningless phrase. 'Keep Blogging.'

...But please, by all means pay a visit to my Blog, leave a comment or something if you like. :o) (



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