Don't Be That Guy
I have to share this story.
Setting: Library. Very quiet - the sound of writing and typing are the only sounds move through the air. After lunch.
Slowly, the sound began to swell. At first, it sounded like a computer that was having trouble saving to the a:\ drive or reading from the cd-rom drive. Then it sounded like a vibrating phone on a wooden desk. The sound was very rhythmic. Eventually snore identified itself.
Leaving the computer for only a second, the source had to be identified. Each passing cubicle increased the volume of the drone. Each person looked hard at work or was looking hard for the culprit. People began gathering their belongings. The stale quietness that induced great studying was being breached.
Finally, the napper was identified. Looking like a hard working student, his head was bent over an open law book. People stood around, unsure of what to do. Frustrated students hastily tried to find a new snore-free study zone, but the sound pierced through the shelves of mostly unused books.

Before a lynching ensued, one kind student awoke the napper. Peace was restored to the sanctuary of knowledge, and students returned to work, almost as if nothing happened.
Moral of the story: Don't nap in the library after a good meal, especially if you are a snorer.
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