Last night I did end up going out with Crushee. We decided to go see a movie. We saw
28 Days Later..., which did freak me out a good bit. RM had to stand by my room so I could close the blinds without fear. I'm silly; I do know this. Anyway, he and I had a really good time. He picked me up (and this time I did remember to unlock his door for him not one, but two times. I was very proud of myself for remembering.) We decided to grab a glass of wine before the movie because we didn't have enough time to eat before the movie started. As we walked down the street he pointed out a few nice restaurants, telling me he would take me too them if he had enough money. Nice thought.
The movie theater itself was pretty interesting. It sold pizza and beer and had mini-tables to put all your stuff on. I'm just glad that I at my pizza before the movie really started because I didn't touch my beer once it did. Crushee later asked about that. He was concerned I didn't like it. I let him know that even if it was just water I wouldn't have been able to touch it. I was way too tense (and the movie had one too many gross things going for it) for me to drink (or even eat) anything.

After the movie, we went to a wine bar and had another glass of wine. We talked a bit and had a really nice time. As we were walking back to the car, I apologized for talking about my family a lot. They tend to be in every other story I tell. He then said he hangs out with me to get to know me and if my family is important to me then it's something he wants to learn about. Really sweet.

So we got back to my place. This time I held the door open to imply that he was more than invited to enter. I excused myself to go to bathroom. When I came out he was sitting on the sofa. I offered him something to drink, which he declined. We then started talking about my extensive movie collection, eventually moving over to them. Somehow we migrated toward the kitchen. We weren't too far apart or anything, but the boy still made no moves. I really don't get it. We talked for a while and then he said it was late, and he had to get to bed. I walked him out, thanked him, and that was it. Hmm... I don't get this guy. The last time I had a guy not kiss me for this long was in
high school. Every other guy has made the move after the first date. I'm beginning to think I'm going to be forced to grab and kiss him instead. I don't know.
I thought about calling him to see if he wanted to come over to see a movie, but I haven't and don't know if I will. Maybe I'll just watch a movie by myself. Or finish watching the one I was watching last night.
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