Law School Sucks

Well, not really. I don't know why I said that. It's just be a long rough day. It started with a really disturbing dream and just ended with outlining shit.
I thought the day couldn't get any worse after I woke up. HA HA HA. We did manage to get the last carpool spot this morning. I'll tell you my tale of bitterness about that later. We got to class, and it just wasn't as fun as usual. I then talked to my mother for an hour on the phone. After that, I went to the library to finish typing all my notes into my computer. I was ready to jam the highlighter into my eye after about 30 minutes. I just stopped really caring whether I had all the property questions right.
Then I went to lunch. Not too bad. Oh, before I actually went to lunch, Cmd. Riker waited for me to exit the library study area to talk to me for a bit. It was nice, but it was 1 in the afternoon, and I just wanted to eat. The conversation was going no where fast, so I checked out to get my lunch.
After lunch, I wasted good time doing Legal Writing shit. W-A-S-T-E O-F T-I-M-E. Stupid class. Then I FINALLY finished typing in all my notes! I was so drained after that, I didn't know how I would make it through Civ Pro.
Outside of Civ Pro, RM asked me if she could put some stuff in the car. I left my personals with SC and we were off. By the time we got back (a whole five minutes later), it was time to go to class. Of course, this is when I see Crushee. I have no time to stop and chit chat, so I rush by, just like I always do. Ugh. It's just at that stupid point where you want to spend a lot of time with the person you like. I'm just convinced the moment I pick up the phone to suggest something casual like studying or watching a movie at the apartment, he'll be done. Thus, I digress.
I went to Civ Pro. It was the XL version today. We had to sit for an extra 30 minutes because we don't have it on Thursday (Yipee!). About a third of the way through it, I happen to go online to check my email, but instead I'm diverted by the awful headline on New York Times homepage about the passage of the Partial Birth Abortion Bill by the Senate. I'm shocked. I'm the NARAL commercial. I also got to read about the other Bush who put the woman back on the feeding tube in Florida. It's a world gone choice-less. During break, I spread the news to my fellow feminists. We were all sad and shocked and angered.

Working out sucked because there's no circulation in the school gym, and I got sick. It took everything I had to finish. I got home and still didn't feel better. I took a shower, and that perked me up a bit. I read Con Law, and then I ... outlined. Ew. The beginning of the end. I'll explain at a later date why these things are so important. I have to go to bed now.
It's been a loooong day.
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