Halloween... Not the Jaime Lee Curtis Variety

Actually Friday night was fun. The trio dressed up as angels. We were cute even though the only real part of the costume was the angel wings we had to elbow kids for at Party City. We went to a party at the law school where the admission was only 5 bucks and there was all the wine and beer you could want. Well, I wanted more wine, but they ran out of that. So I guess it wasn't all one could want.
After the law school party, we went over to a house party. I had more wine there. I really didn't need it, but I wanted more. Crushee, who I think I shall rename Datee now, took me home. He didn't run away at the door. He even came in with out prodding. In fact he didn't leave until the next morning. Overall I don't mind that fact. In the back of my mind, I'm wondering what I was thinking, but I truly don't regret or feel guilty about anything. (You must remember I was raised with the master of Catholic guilt, my grandmother, who taught my own mother very well. I've had issues to get over in my own life.) I'm not going into any details because I really don't want that available to any future blackmailers, but if you want info, you can just email me... There's a link over there -->.
I haven't seen him since because I have TOO much homework to do and not enough time before finals. Eck.
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