Stick Figures in Contracts
I love days where we tell our Contracts professor we don’t understand what’s going on. She then goes on for a while re-explaining what we didn’t get last time. Today she resorted to a box with eight circles on top to represent a jury, a box with one circle on top to represent a judge in chambers, and two stick figures to represent the attorneys. I promise you, law professors cannot draw. I once had a professor say he was able to draw before teaching law. Apparently becoming a law professor completely destroys your ability to draw.
One day in Torts, we were talking about a spring gun prepared to shoot any trespassers that entered. In alternative, we talked about putting a vicious dog on a leach. The Torts professor proceeded to draw a vicious rabbit instead of a dog. At least he recognized it and tried to fix it.
Speaking of Torts, on Tuesday we spent about 30 minutes watching and discussing the torts of Seinfeld. It was quite enjoyable. I heard we’re supposed to do the same with The Simpsons later in the semester. I can’t wait.