Friday, April 30, 2004

Book List

I have a gaggle of books I would like to read this summer.

First I am going to have to read the books by my bed:
Hillary Clinton's autobiography
The Illiad
A book of essays by John Stewart Mill and his wife about feminism
Pearls and Pinstripes (A book by a female member of the Harvard Class of '67)
The History of Numbers

Then there are some books on my bookshelf I haven't read yet:
The War on the Bill of Rights
The new James Carville book
And a few fluff books to throw in every now and then

I want to get from the library:
Sandra Day O'Connor's books
Ok, there were more books on this list before I sat down to write it. If I remember, I'll post them.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Post Final

A brief scene from the new specialty Jeopardy, Post Finals Law Student Jeopardy!

Alex: Welcome back. It's time to start Double Jeopardy. The categories are: Dog Sledding, Supreme Court Justices, Basic Contracts, Jobless, and "I" Witness. Notice the I in quotation marks. That means all the answers will start with the letter I.
Since you finsihed round one with negative 10,000, Lowly 1L, you'll pick first."

L1L: Dog Sledding for 400, Professor.

Alex: This is the last time I'm going to ask you, just call me Alex. The answer for Dog Sledding, 400 is: "Mush."


Alex: Lowly 1L.

L1L: What is my brain after a contracts final?

Alex: No, I'm sorry. Would anyone else like to try? ... Anyone? I think it would be more helpful if you didn't try to find an answer in your UCC. The answer is "What is the command you give to make a dog sled go?" OK, Lowly 1L, it's your turn again.

L1L: "I" Witness for 800, your honor.

Alex: Alex, ALEX! "I" Witness. The answer is "A list of questions sent to the opposing counsel during discovery."


Alex: Sigh, Lowly 1L.

L1L: Deposition! I mean, What is a deposition?

Alex: No. You other two, that's going to be in your civ pro outline. Anything? Anyone?... The answer is "What is an interrogatory?" Sigh. Lowly 1L please pick... again.

L1L: Ok what about Supreme Court Justices for 2000?

Alex: He is the Chief Justice currently.


Alex: Wow, multiple responses, but yet again, Lowly 1L has beeped in first.

L1L: Who is Scalia?

Alex: No, I did not say "The justice who makes up history." Or "The justice who refuses to recuse himself." What, are none of you going to answer now? I thought you were all buzzing in...


Alex: Alright! Go for it 3L Who Doesn't Give a Shit.

3LWDGAS: Who is Scalia?

Lawrence of Arabia - Day 3: A Brush with the Law

Since my first final is today (roughly about 2 hours from now), I decided I should not take a movie of such epic proportions all at once. I have broken up Lawrence of Arabia into hour-long increments. Last night, I embarked upon the third day. Tonight, I might just finish.

I'll post more on the movie after I finish watching it.

Last night I was pulled over by a cop. I saw the light turn yellow, but I didn't think I could stop without slamming on my brakes. Instead, I saw the light turn red as I drove under it. WARNING: Flashback approaching!

*Fuzzy Screen and Wonkey Music*
Today was the first day I got to drive with my learner's permit. It's scary being 15 behind the wheel of a car. My dad decided to accompany me today. As we were driving to St. Martinville, we approached a busy intersection. I saw the light turn yellow, and started to apply the brakes. My dad insisted, though, that I continue through the light. I saw turn red as I drove underneath. Soon, there was a cop car with its lights on behind me. I pulled over. My dad tried to claim liability, but the cop would hear nothing of it. I was the one who ran the red light. The cop explained the dangers of the intersection and why I should be careful after he learned it was my first day in the driver's seat. He let me go with that warning.
*Fuzzy Screen, return to normal sounds*

To this day, I have been incredibly nervous anytime I see a light turn yellow. I gave the cop all the courtesy I could muster last night. I apologized profusely and even told him the story of my dad and the yellow light which have scarred me for life. He took my license, registration, and insurance to his car and had it all checked out. He came back with it all, a lecture on Oregon laws, and a warning to be more careful. Escaping only the second ticket in my life, I left the side of the road relieved, and really glad I was brought up with Southern courtesy and charm.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Spam... The Email Variety

I don't know how I became the spam magnet that I am. Every day I get at least three emails about enlarging my penis. In addition to that, I get one email about Viagra. Apparently my small penis is unable to have any fun. In case you haven't noticed, though, I am female, so these emails fall on deaf ears... blind eyes... whatever, I don't know. In addition to my penis problems, I am invited to view web cams all over the world by people I apparently talked to the night before at least twice a day. I don't know what the point is because my small penis won't appreciate the web cams. These people need to consolidate their list and find the right target audience.

My favorites are the ones where the subject just says, "HI." Like I'd be duped into opening one of those if I don't know the sender... more than once a week. I just can't help the fact that I need to make sure it's not someone I know. If it has a bunch of random letters and numbers in the address, I know I don't know them, but sometimes when it looks like a real name I just have to make sure I don't know the person because I am an email attention whore.

That's the bottom line. I validate my existence on the number of personal emails I get a day. Needless to say, I have pretty low self-esteem.

On the other end of the spectrum, my school account is bombarded with hundreds of sales emails a day. I was dumb one day and thought I could actually get a free spindle of CD-Rs. If I had thought about it, I would have paid money to keep these people away from my email. Now I'm stuck for three years with hundreds of sales-pitches a day... and I didn't even get the CD-Rs.

Friday, April 23, 2004


I finally have a job. It's with the Oregon State Bar helping to reinvigorate the Pro Bono program in Oregon. It's a really cool job in general. In fact, the people who offered the job took it off of work study so I can take it. I'm excited.

Now the bad news. It's only 20 hours a week. That's half-time for those of you who are not counting. I should have enough to live. Even if I don't, my parents put a nice bit of money aside for me a month. I'm going to try and find a second part time job. Either legal or something like Banana Republic. I know I wouldn't make money at BR, but I would work there just to get the clothes. Which is usually the reason to work there.

If I apply at BR, I think I might lie about my education. I don't think they would hire a computer engineer in law school. It's one of those situations where they question why someone with my education would want to work in retail. Maybe I could put "Clothes Whore" on my application. Nah, I think that would only work if I were applying to Abercrombie and Fitch (which, by the way, I didn't not know what it was until I was in college where this stupid song talked about girls wearing Abercrombie and Fitch).

Even if I don't do that, I could whore out my services, or also known as "volunteering". I'm just trying to make sure that I can get a good job next summer.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004


Ok, I'm incredibly better since that last post.

Today I had an interview. This afternoon when I got home, I was offered the job. Problem: I probably won't be able to take it because the money will most likely come out of next year's loan money. Not good. That sucks because I would have been working to pick up the pro bono in the state of Oregon.

If I hear differently, I'll be able to consider the job. As of right now, I'll have to hope I'll get another job soon.

Onto finals! I'm done with all my outlines except for two days worth of notes in Contracts. Pfft! Time to study them and read study aids.

I've goofed off a bit this afternoon, and I'm fight the urge to watch A Few Good Men. I saw Kill Bill v. 2 last night. One word: AWESOME. I'm so excited I got to finally see it. I was delayed because my mom was in town when it came out. Monday isn't that bad. I'm really excited. I can't wait to own them both.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Oral Argument

Last night was oral argument night. It went well.

Afterwards, we had a little get together. I drank way too much. I'm still feeling it right now. I don't think I should drink that much when I have to go to class the next day.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Parents in Town

My parents were in town this weekend, but my mom remains for the rest of this week. Strangely enough, I feel at home now that I'm sitting in class. Is there something wrong with me that I should feel better sitting in Civ Pro rather than being in my apartment with my mother. I try to think I'm adaptable, but I like my pattern of behavior. I'm only a little obsessive compulsive.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Wow, What a Difference a Day Makes

Yesterday I went home and completed my exercise regimen. Today I am sore. Now I am happy.

Yesterday I also ran for president of Women's Law Caucus. I lost. Not really surprising because I have great tendency to lose elections (remember I ran for SBA secretary unopposed). May I should rethink this whole elected official desire. If I can't get elected, then I won't be an elected official...

Anyway, I ran against a lady who ran on her involvement in WLC and her commitment to women's issues. I ran on actual issues and goals. I handed out a sheet of paper. I want to make the meetings shorter with more accomplished. I didn't win. My mom suggested that I start my own organization. It's tempting, but difficult at the same time. Maybe I could call it the Caucus of Women Lawyers (CWL) or Women Law Student Association (WLSA) or even the Other Women's Law Caucus (OWLC). I could easily use all the same ideas and claim them as my own. In any event, I don't see that happening any time soon. That's OK. I have enough on my plate as it is.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I Hate My Pants

It's getting bad. Having a boyfriend who takes me out to eat is catching up. Actually, I think it's my lack of exercise more than the food I eat. Maybe it's that I eat bad food and don't exercise. Whatever it is, I need to get my butt in gear.

I was exercising - doing pilates - three times a week. I've had an excuse lately why I haven't been doing it. This morning it was lack of sleep from DST. I worked out on Monday. I think I'm going to run for 20 minutes this afternoon. I have a meeting that I must go to, but I have about 2.5 hours between my last class and the meeting. That is enough time. Maybe I can run and do pilates. Yes. That is what I'll do. I'm not feeling comfortable in my pants anymore.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Procrastinate Should Have Been My Middle Name

I have an uncanny ability to not do work. I woke up the morning with an incredible urge for a donut. BF and I went around, looking for one. We couldn't find one, so we went to the Saturday Market instead (I swear that's what it's called even if today is Sunday). I had what is known to Porlanders as an elephant ear. It's this fried piece of dough sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. Very good replacement for a donut.

We walked around the market for a while. We decided it was time to go after a few hours. We went back to BF's apartment, but before we did, we needed to go to Fred Myers (a wal-mart/department store, or maybe just an upscaled wal-mart). We walked down Hawthorne to get there, stopping in many stores along the way.

Finally we made it to Fred Meyers, didn't buy anything, and then headed out. When we got back to his apartment, I asked him what time it was.

BF: "Ten after 3."
Me: "Then why do all your clocks say 4:15?"
BF: "Oh, did we just spring forward?"

AHHH. I lost an hour at 3 in the afternoon! I went home immediately to shower for a meeting at 6. I got absolutely no work done before the meeting.

I went to the SBA meeting because new members were invited to go. Waste of time. Banter about getting a general law review and promises of emails to explain what I do as secretary.

I then came home... to do nothing! Ah. I have my civ pro book open. I watched the Harry Potter preview (very good I might add... only 2 months away!). I've done a crossword. I've read some blogs.

I have a make up torts class tomorrow as well. I haven't done the homework for that class or my normal civ pro class (that starts 15 minutes early). It's a quarter to nine. I think I need to get my ass in gear.

Copyright © 2003-2005 Leila Borazjani