Sunday, November 30, 2003


As I rushed to shower and get ready Saturday morning (I didn't know I was still going to lunch at my aunt's house until after I was supposed to be there), I came to a screeching halt in my bathroom. It all of a sudden hit me there were two toothbrushes in the toothbrush holder. You'd think brushing our teeth together the night beforehand would have clued me in, but it wasn't until I saw the two toothbrushes sitting next to each other that I realized we were a couple.

Yes, we spend most of the weekend together, and only one of us pays when we go out, but There's something about the two toothbrushes. It's almost like a symbol of something more.

I have a toothbrush over at his place as well. I've never been in a relationship where we progressed to toothbrushes...

Wow. It's a little surreal.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Even I Have to Admit How Cool This Is

Happy Thanksgiving! As much as I dislike the man, I have to give him props when thay are due.

It really means a lot to those troops to fly out to Iraq for Thanksgiving. I'm sure he'd rather be in Crawford, Texas, but he made the flight out there anyway. And he served dinner. That's admirable.

This doesn't change my political opinion about him, though. I guess I just needed to see he wasn't all over bad. That would make him evil, or at least Michael Myers...

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Relationship Update

Last night, in the midst of being unable to perform normal people tasks, Datee called me his "one-armed girlfriend" (emphasis added). GIRLFRIEND. Now I shall call him BF (for boyfriend, just in case you didn't get that).

I got a boyfriend. I got a boyfriend.

Oh, I Had Trouble Breathing

So, I asked my mom to find some firms in Louisiana for me to try and apply for summer clerkship positions. I went to the webpage for one. There I found the summer clerkship salary: $1000/week. The associate salary: $80,000/year. I literally got chills and had trouble breathing. I just want to make that much money. If I get a job at that firm, I could live at home and clear about $8-9K this summer. OOOOOOOH, M-O-N-E-Y.

I was talking to a third year this morning. Last night she was talking to a new partner in a firm. As a new partner, he got $10,000 to decorate -- DECORATE!-- his office. I want an office. I want just $1,000 to decorate it right now. Then I wouldn't have a Wal-Mart desk. I could upgrade to Target.

Yeah, money.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I'm a Bad Person

I am utterly bitter RM got an "Honors" on her final memo and I only got a "Credit+." At first I really didn't care, but the more I think about it, the more bitter I get. I've looked at the analysis of my paper, and I get more bitter. In my meeting with my professor, I felt better about what I got. She made me feel OK about. Now I realize it was a load of BS because I could have gotten better. Does that make me a bad person for being so hostile?

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

These May Be the Coolest People in the World

You may not like them. You may not agree with them. You might not even know their names, but you have to admit, these people have POWER. I love them.

I read more opinions by these guys than I do any other court. Well not all the US Supreme Court cases are by these guys, but you get the idea. These nine people come from different background, political ideologies, and presidencies, yet they have one of the strongest bonds most of us will never get to know. I think the only stronger bond is that of former presidents.

These guys are cool.

It's Just Lunch

Oh my goodness. People need to lighten up. School is coming to a close, but that's no reason to start treating people like shit. I know I have the problem of expecting everyone else to view things like I do, but there are some things that go to far.

Apparently, life's so crazy RM and SC can't spare 30 minutes for lunch. Tell me this. What can you really do in 30 minutes? It's called, "Give me a break." Or at least, "Take a break."

I'm stressing, but that doesn't mean I'm forgetting other people have feelings, too.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I'm Proud of My State

My home state has elected its first female governor. (I actually got my absentee ballot in this time.) I'm so proud of my state. Yea!

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I Have Issues

It's been a month and a half since Datee and I started this little game we've been playing. Somewhere in the course of that, I began to really like him. It started Friday when he came over to take care of me after slicing my finger. Now I know I'm at that point where I'll be really hurt if things take a turn.

Ugh. I hate this dating thing. I'm convinced he's going to break up with me some time soon just because I've started to like him. I actually called him last night. It was the first time I had called him without a previous call from him. That's one of the things that makes me think he's going to break up with me.

I'm not just crazy, either. I have history to back this up. The last two guys (over the course of the past four years) did the exact same thing to me. Why shouldn't I expect the same here?

So, now I'm in a place where I think I should pull back a little. That way, he won't be able to sense I'm really liking him. I'm not sure, though, because what if he misconstrues that to mean I don't like him anymore.

This is not what I need to be thinking about right now. I have too much work to be able to waste time worrying about this. I just hope if he breaks up with me, he'll do it soon because I can't deal with this during finals. I could always preempt it and do it myself...

PS Isn't this the worst thing you've ever seen?

Friday, November 07, 2003

Stupid Me

This is a wonderful story about a girl who doesn't learn. Today, after class, I was hungry, so I decided to cut up some sausage and cook it. Stupidly enough, I was holding the sausage in my hand. The sausage gave way and boom, there was a cut in my pinky. I alerted RM that I needed to go to the hospital. Problem was, we didn't know where one was. I was sane enough to tell RM what I needed and what to do. I even remembered to grab my ID and insurance card.

RM tried to find a hospital through directory assistance, but it was no use. We drove to a nearby medical plaza, where we were directed to a local urgent care unit. There, I wowed the crowd with my super wit: "Was the knife sharp?" "Apparently." The entire waiting room laughed. I was taken inside where they discovered I was a "spurter". I was bleeding too much, so they sent me to the local emergency room.

At the emergency room, I had to wait a while before the triage nurse even saw me. When he finally did, I had to wait for a registration attendant. Finally I was escorted to a room in a back wing where I was sure I would be forgotten. A nurse finally came, and let me know what to expect. I was trying to get out of there by 5 because I was supposed to be a witness at mock trial for some 2Ls and 3Ls.

When the doctor finally came by, he looked at my finger. He told me to bend it. He told me to bend it. He told me to bend it. I WAS! He informed me I wasn't. I didn't under stand because it felt like I was. Then he infored me I cut my tendon. Great.

He had to call a plastic surgeon. I was prepped for surgery. I bled profusely. She got there around 5:30. The surgery (which was performed while I was awake, mind you) started around 6:30. I had an IV, local anesthesia, and a tourniquet. The surgery took about an hour. She found my tendon in my pinky. If she hadn't she would have had to cut open my hand or take me to the operating room to find it. She stitched the tendon, then my finger. She then wrapped up my pinky and ring finger in a plaster split. I'm now typing with one full hand and my big finger. This is very difficult, so excuse the typos.

I got prescriptions, including vicoden... yeah. My whole ordeal lasted from about 1:30 this after noon to 8:00 tonight. Good job, huh?

Oh and does anyone remember I have the opera date tomorrow? I'm going to be sexy with my new heels and a forearm splint. Yeah. It's a good thing he likes me already.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

A Great Lunch Meeting

I have the coolest mentor (who strangely enough, works for a company with mentor in the name). She invited me over to her office for lunch today. It's a bit south of school, but totally worth the drive. The place she works for isn't just a law firm. In fact, it's a big electronics company that has its own set of lawyers. She works as an IP lawyer for them.

I went to the office, and I had to wait for her to come down. It's all high tech where you need a name card to be able to enter the buildings and such. I gave my name to the receptionist, and Mentor came down to get me. She brought me up to the office where she gave me a small tour. Then we went to lunch on the campus. Four other people joined us. I got to talk to people who came from different backgrounds and did different things now.

Overall, it was great. I loved meeting all those people and my mentor is so nice. I realize how lucky I am because most people haven't done anything with their mentor after the first law school event. Mentor even suggested we get together after finals as well. She told me she would keep her ears open if there were any clerk positions available. I'm excited about that as well. I hope she doesn't think I was fishing for a job offer, but I don' t think she did.

I just had to express, in the middle of all the crap I'm doing for class right now, that I had a great lunch with a great lawyer, and I can't wait to be one myself.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Another Thing

I forgot to mention Datee passed his "test". I went to use the bathroom and when I came back, the bed was made... sort of. The sheets and comforter were straighted out and the pillows were where they were supposed to be. It was actually better than what I had been doing all week.

Halloween... Not the Jaime Lee Curtis Variety

I didn't babysit or get chased by a guy in a white spray-painted William Shatner mask Friday night, but I did watch the movie about it.

Actually Friday night was fun. The trio dressed up as angels. We were cute even though the only real part of the costume was the angel wings we had to elbow kids for at Party City. We went to a party at the law school where the admission was only 5 bucks and there was all the wine and beer you could want. Well, I wanted more wine, but they ran out of that. So I guess it wasn't all one could want.

After the law school party, we went over to a house party. I had more wine there. I really didn't need it, but I wanted more. Crushee, who I think I shall rename Datee now, took me home. He didn't run away at the door. He even came in with out prodding. In fact he didn't leave until the next morning. Overall I don't mind that fact. In the back of my mind, I'm wondering what I was thinking, but I truly don't regret or feel guilty about anything. (You must remember I was raised with the master of Catholic guilt, my grandmother, who taught my own mother very well. I've had issues to get over in my own life.) I'm not going into any details because I really don't want that available to any future blackmailers, but if you want info, you can just email me... There's a link over there -->.

I haven't seen him since because I have TOO much homework to do and not enough time before finals. Eck.

Copyright © 2003-2005 Leila Borazjani