Sunday, October 31, 2004

That Damn Woodpecker

Every morning that woodpecker keeps hitting my wall. I don't think that it would bother me as much if it was done more in a rhythm. I really think that rhythm is a natural thing, but here I am, every morning I try to sleep in: boom, boom, boom (pause) ba boom boom ba boom (pause) boom boom (pause) boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom, etc.

PLEASE STOP! But it's not like I didn't get enough sleep in the first place. I think I may have finally caught up on my lack of sleep last week. Great. Just in time to start losing sleep again.

OK, time to do homework. But first, I'm going to scan available apartments, even though I won't be moving until June or July...

My Summer Job

It's not even November yet, but I have a summer job. Yes, my firm finally figured out that they want me as a part of the firm. Yea!

I just thought I would let everyone know. It's pays a great salary plus parking for downtown. Yes. And I hear that they will be looking to hire more attorneys in the coming year. That's great.

Oh, and the school Halloween party was yesterday. I was tossed all night, pretty much. My Wonder Woman costume was a success. Take a look at the pictures.

Sunday, October 24, 2004


One of my textbooks actually put duh in parentheses at the end of a sentence. I cracked up. Then I needed to see if it was ever added to the dictionary, and it was!

Plus there was this really great pronunciation of it! I cracked up even more after I listened to it five times!

Friday, October 22, 2004

Oh No

I got Sims 2 last night. I stayed up until 2 in the morning playing even though I had class this morning. I'm about to play some more.

This game is everything I expected.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

My Standards

I just finished reading a book entitled he's just not that into you, which was quite a funny read. I only picked it up because it put in print all the things I've started to believe over the past year. It basically breaks down common guy behavior and explains that if he's not acting like he likes you, he probably doesn't like you very much. It was good and light-hearted, but at the end, it seriously asked to write down your standards. I did. It had a couple of suggestions, and I added some of my own. From now on, this is how I'm treating my dating life:

My Standards:

1. I will not go out with a man who hasn't asked me out first.

2. I will not go out with a man who keeps me waiting by the phone.

3. I will not date a man who isn't sure he wants to date me.

4. I will not be with a man who's afraid to talk about our future.

5. I will not spend my time with a man who has already rejected me.

6. I will not date a man who is in a relationship.

7. I will not be with a man who is not clearly a good, kind, loving person.

8. I will not date a man who does not make time for me.

9. I will not date a man who does not want to meet my family.

10. I will not date a man who makes me feel bad about my personality.

This is it. I'm serious now. No more shit. If he really likes me, then he'll go that extra mile. I'd rather be alone than with someone who doesn't really want to be with me. Maybe you should make a list, too. Or at least check out the book.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Football Friday

After being flaked upon, I called up a good girlfriend of mine. I wanted to go out, but not too late because I had to be at court for 8:30 this morning. Don't worry, it was just to practice my opening statement for mock trial, not to turn myself in, like all the other smoking fiends in front of the courthouse this morning.

We really didn't know what we wanted to do last night, so we checked out what movies were playing. I instantly was attracted to a movie I had never heard of before: Friday Night Lights. We all know that I have a thing for non-professional football, but how could I have known, simply by the title, that this would be a great football movie?

Besides it being about football, and a true story, I was struck by how well it was shot. I really enjoy good cinematography, and it's usually not as apparent in this genre. It wasn't just a well-shot football movie. While there were great shots on the field, it was a great movie all together. In addition to the cinematography, the editing was amazing as well. I loved the cuts in the beginning of the movie that told you more about the history of the town and people in fifteen minutes than a narrator could have done in thirty.

And I just loved these kids. I was rooting for them from the very beginning. Yeah, some of them were cocky, but I couldn't help but want them to win. These weren't your James Van der Beeks who were rebelling against the town. These weren't your delinquent youths who only lived for the field. These were kids who I felt I went to high school with. They were real. They loved football and they loved the recognition they got for being football players. They all wanted out and each had their own way of getting there. I wanted each one of these kids to succeed, and I wanted them to succeed together.

So what strikes me as funny is I tried to rebel against these stereotypes in high school. But I watched a movie last night where I really related to how these kids felt. But when it comes down to it, I am a 23 year old who spent my Friday night watching high school football.

Thursday, October 07, 2004


Whoa. I think I just ate too quickly. Let me tell you that's the first time I've ever thought that. Why do I think that? I'm actually dizzy after eating.


I would also like to direct people to the new blog ->

Diner Role... It's going to attempt to be a nice zine, but right now it's just a few entries. We should update weekly. Bookmark it and check it out. We have some entertainment going for you.

PS... After about 20 minutes the dizziness has gone away. Maybe it was the spice in my Hot and Spicy Noodles with Chicken and no Egg from Singha Thai. Mmmm.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

So Bored in Class

This is really bad. It's only the beginning of October, and I'm having trouble paying attention. True, it's only property transactions. I won't ever need this stuff. I'll never have a mortgage. Right.

Lately, I've been perusing craigslist. I like to look at all the places I could move to. Not like I'll move this year, but it's still fun to look. I guess if I find a really good deal.

Ugh. I'm just ready for a change of pace.

This week sucks. I have too much to do, but I won't really get into that. Let me just say that I can't seem to catch up. And this was the week I was going to start my research. Damn. Maybe I'll be able to start.

Oh, and the second season of West Wing is waiting for me at the library. Now I just have to finish the first season. I only have six episodes left. And I've been averaging 5 and 1/3 episodes a sitting. So, I only have one more sitting until done. I love West Wing.

Now I shall end this rambling post with a really depressing story.

I've been working at my job since the May. One of the people whose office was next to my boss's was always really nice to me. He even took my boss and I out to lunch at one point over the summer. He was getting close to retirement. One day he went in because he was having problems with his foot. They find out instead that he has cancer. He's also having liver problems that need to be fixed before he can get chemotherapy.

His liver problems were so bad that I actually saw his eyes get yellow. I'd never seen a person with jaundice before. He started to get better and his liver cleared up. We all had hope. Yesterday at work, I discovered that his family called Hospice.

For those of you who don't know, Hospice is a group that you call when there is no hope left. They help make your last days more peaceful. They don't think he has more than a few months to live.

I've been really depressed by this. This is a man who didn't even get his retirement. He has a nine-year-old kid. He was great at his job was known throughout the country for his methods. Now, no one at work knows how to do his job (because it was a one-man department).

This man was so good at his job, but no one knows how to do it. His wife has to come in and help us get checks out. And I'm sure he's last few days in life will not be made any better to know that he pretty much is working until his dying day.

Monday, October 04, 2004

First Monday!

Happy First Monday to everyone!

I love the beginning of a new Supreme Court Season. This year looks to be no slow one either. With marijuana, juvenile death penaties, using drug dogs at routine traffic stops and judges sentencing standards, I'm sure this year will be another nail-bitter.

Copyright © 2003-2005 Leila Borazjani