Thursday, March 31, 2005

Friends Finally Come to Visit!

I was quite excited when my friend from San Antonio (now in limbo while looking for a job) came to visit. It took about a year, though, before anyone came to visit me. I had a great time, but then I arrived at the desert again.

After almost another year, finally other friends are starting to visit as well! This summer I will have two (count them, two!) friends visiting me. I'm so excited. I love showing people around my town.

Yea! I'm ready!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Last night I was having drinks with a friend. While we were talking, a potential guy in my friend's life was brought up. I tried to dissuade her from him. She asked me why, and I responded that he was a big pot head. At that point she said she didn't care and that not everyone feels the way I do about pot.

This morning I got to thinking. Am I a pot prude? In all honesty, none of my friends have ever been pot heads (as far as I know). I'm not saying I don't have friends who smoke pot. I will say that I have never smoked pot. I don't have a desire to do it. I don't think that makes me a prude, though.

But is my desire to stay away from people who constantly smoke pot really unrealistic in this day and age?

I don't know why people need to smoke pot all the time. What are they trying to escape. I think I would be just as uncomfortable with people who drank all the time. We drink a lot in law school, but not all the time. I can't understand why anyone would need something to take them away from life all the time.

Should I get over this? Should I just concede that a person who is always smoking pot is not necessarily a waste?

I'd like to think not. I'd like to think that as people get older, they don't feel the need to escape life so much and that people want to be more responsible. I'd like to think that responsibility does not equal pot head. I'd like to think I'm not a pot prude.

Shame, Shame

I skipped class this morning. Actually I'm in the process of skipping it.

I just couldn't get myself out of bed for it. I hate Wills and Trusts. I never really even take notes. I sit in class just surf the internet. At least at home I will get some homework done. I have a paper due this afternoon that I'll just revise one last time.

I'm beginning to think I won't even use my notes for my outline. They are so sparse and sporadic. I think I might have to sit down with the book and make a whole new set of notes/outline. Sucks.

Oh, and one final thing. I am sorely disappointed that I didn't get discs 1 and 2 of season 3 of Sex and the City yesterday. Netflix told me it would be here yesterday, and it did not come. I couldn't even hide my disappointment. I didn't get any mail though yesterday. Was yesterday some sort of federal holiday I wasn't aware of? I'll just have to hope against hopes that it will come in today!

Monday, March 14, 2005

The OC

And I'm not talking about that Thursday night, teen angst drama.



Most of us in law school are. Call it what you will - control freak, type A personality, alpha [fe]male. I am [wo]man enough to admit that I am as well.

Latest obsession - that stupid Neil Diamond song, "Sweet Caroline."

What's the problem? My iPod has had a freak out. It wont play any songs that I purchased from iTunes. How is this going to make me want to continue to buy music legally if I can't actually listen to it? Ugh. I will have to figure this out before the end of the day.

PS New pictures over there --> Take a look.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Harry Potter!

This is the second time I have a post with this title.
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I am really excited. I have finished reading the fifth book for the second time. It is such a good book.

Since I have finished reading it, I have started looking for more information. I look on JK Rowling's website for more information. It's a great place for information. On that site, I have learned that there are a lot of hints in the second book.

I will start reading that one soon.

The next book comes out in July. I can't wait until July.

And the next movie comes out in November.

Do you really think they will make movies of all seven? When this one comes out, there will be four of the seven movies made. That's over half of them. It seems they just might be able to do it.

So, I will start the second book when I finish the second season of Sex and the City. I only have one disc left. (And I finished two yesterday.)

Monday, March 07, 2005

Flip Flops

Today there was uncharacteristically warm weather. In fact, it was close to 70. I love this. In order to celebrate this, I wore my flip flops. It's 6 at night, and my feet are not cold in flip flops. I love this even though I know I'm going to pay for it later.


Thursday, March 03, 2005

I Must Confess

I have been desperately craving a chocolate cookie.

This often happens when I'm separated from sweets.

I haven't had one yet, but I'm still dreaming about desserts.

This lent is one of my hardest.

Copyright © 2003-2005 Leila Borazjani