Sunday, January 29, 2006


I just filled out my federal tax forms. I'm looking at about 4,000 back! Whoo hoo. Let's all praise the tuition dollars!

Looks like I'll get about 500 back from Oregon, but I'll have to pay 230 to the county. Damn county taxes.

I'm still happy with my overall refund. Or as I like to call it: Re-Fun.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Living History...

I got an impromptu invitation last night to attend the Hillary Clinton fundraiser. I apparently missed the memo that she was coming into town. Of course I accepted this offer; I love her.

We arrive about an hour and a half before check-in. Since it was at a hotel, we wasted about an hour having a drink. Then we waited for the check-in to begin. If you've never attended a democratic party function, just imagine a group of chickens running around a chicken coup. There was absolutely no order to anything.

In an attempt to be prepared, there were 8 lists printed of the "paid" customers. Eight identical copies. There was no attempt to ever form a line. Instead, people just lined a wall in a random fashion. Somehow, showing up early, we ended up in the middle of the line They remedied this by moving part of the line behind another part, with us ending up in front. It made no sense, but we were still first.

Checking in required nothing but a name. The alphabet was not broken down into sections. Since I did not show an ID, a second (or third or seventh) person could have gone up to one of the other 7 people checking us in and pretended to be me and would have gotten in with no issue.

So we walked in, ready to sit down. Only, there were no chairs. Seriously. It was like a rock concert or something. So we stood some more.

Then Hillary was an hour late. No one apologized or anything. There was a woman who was there to introduce the representative who was there to introduce the Governor who was there to introduce Hillary. Seriously.

She gave a brief speech. I took a few (or 20) pictures. Then I waited in line as she made her way through the crowd. I was so nervous waiting for her. I had never been that nervous before. I normally don't give a shit about these things. I waited patiently with my book and was told to put away my pen. Hillary had her own.

I asked another girl to take my picture with Hillary when she arrived to sign my book. Then Hillary was right in front of me. The only words I spoke were, "Senator Clinton, I would like to take a picture with you."

I didn't shake her hand or say anything more. Had I said anything else, it would have been, "OmigodIloveyouIhaveapictureofyouandyourhusbandupinmylivingroom." Seriously. This is why I kept my mouth shut.

Monday, January 23, 2006

POP Goes the Weasel

I noticed that my armpit was a little sore a while back. I thought it was just a normal thing I get every now and then.

On Friday, it wasn't gone yet. In fact, it had gotten bigger. I called my mom and she suggested it was an ingrown hair or a blocked sweat gland. Greeeeeaaaat.

On Saturday, it was worse and actually uncomfortable. I called my uncle (who is a doctor). He was going to look into getting some numbing medicine.

On Sunday, my uncle couldn't find the medicine. I called OHSU family medical center. The doctor told me if it didn't pop on its own, I'd have to go in the next day.

On Monday, my lump was larger and actually red. I skipped my first class. I made an appointment. I went into the doctor's office. When the doctor saw the lump, she was a little surprised by how ready it was to pop. She consulted another doctor to make sure that her assessment was right.

The needle. I had to be numbed. I hate that I don't like needles. Pricky and burny. Then I was numb. When the doctor cut into the lump, IT WHEEZED! There was so much pressure that my lump wheezed. We all laughed. I couldn't stop laughing.

I'm a little sore now. But that lump is gone. Thank god. I still want to laugh when I think of the wheezing.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Because This Made Me Laugh Out Loud

... I had to post it:

From Weekend Update on SNL:

FEY-- "After repeated attempts by the Democrats to draw Alito out on abortion and paint him as a racist, a visibly upset Republican Senator Lindsay Graham had this to say: (Video of Graham from tape) 'I am sorry you've had to sit here and go through this. I'm sorry your family has had to sit here and listen to this' He added, 'I wish I could quit you.'"

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Parks, Louisiana

Here's some fun facts about my home town: Parks, Louisiana

It's 0.8 square miles large.

Population: 544

That 0.4% foreign born? That's my dad.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Why oh why?

... do I have to work in an office that constantly provides sweets?

... do I not have enough will power to avoid these sweets?

... can't I get my ass to the gym to work off the holiday pounds?

... do I look so bloated in all of my Vegas pictures?

Friday, January 06, 2006

What's This Feeling Called?

Today is my last day as a 24-year-old. Something happened in these last few months to change me, but today I feel like I'm in a pit.

I've been feeling strangely more confident these past few months. Confident in everything: looks, intelligence, place in life, etc. I've been living my life how I always wanted to. Then today I woke up just not feeling the same. I feel like I'm in a funk.

Maybe it has something to do with visiting my old college town. I feel out of place here. I used to feel like a puzzle piece in the city that snapped together nicely with everything around me. Now I feel like that piece of the puzzle that almost fits but when you put it in place, the puzzle buckles.

I know it sound like I'm trying to say that I've outgrown this place, but I promise that's not it. I just feels like two people have grown but in different directions. Everyone else who stayed here changed with the city while I've adapted to living in a new one.

One of the best parts of being back was seeing people I hadn't seen in years, but it was a catch-up session. One of those brief moments where you don't have to fit in; I just had to be for a while. These are all people I wish I could see every day because they are all important people in my life.

I don't imagine this problem happening in the reverse -- when friends visit me. My town is a new town for them. They're catching up with me while exploring all the city has to offer. But when I'm back in my college town, I see all the places I used to go and realize I don't fit in there anymore. I would never show my face in some of the usual hangouts because I'd feel like that old person who can't let go.

I guess that's what I kind of feel like right now.

Copyright © 2003-2005 Leila Borazjani