A brief scene from the new specialty Jeopardy, Post Finals Law Student Jeopardy!
Alex: Welcome back. It's time to start Double Jeopardy. The categories are:
Dog Sledding, Supreme Court Justices, Basic Contracts, Jobless, and "I" Witness. Notice the I in quotation marks. That means all the answers will start with the letter I.
Since you finsihed round one with negative 10,000, Lowly 1L, you'll pick first."
L1L: Dog Sledding for 400, Professor.
Alex: This is the last time I'm going to ask you, just call me Alex. The answer for Dog Sledding, 400 is: "Mush."
Alex: Lowly 1L.
L1L: What is my brain after a contracts final?
Alex: No, I'm sorry. Would anyone else like to try? ... Anyone? I think it would be more helpful if you didn't try to find an answer in your UCC. The answer is "What is the command you give to make a dog sled go?" OK, Lowly 1L, it's your turn again.
L1L: "I" Witness for 800, your honor.
Alex: Alex, ALEX! "I" Witness. The answer is "A list of questions sent to the opposing counsel during discovery."
Alex: Sigh, Lowly 1L.
L1L: Deposition! I mean, What is a deposition?
Alex: No. You other two, that's going to be in your civ pro outline. Anything? Anyone?... The answer is "What is an interrogatory?" Sigh. Lowly 1L please pick... again.
L1L: Ok what about Supreme Court Justices for 2000?
Alex: He is the Chief Justice currently.
Alex: Wow, multiple responses, but yet again, Lowly 1L has beeped in first.
L1L: Who is Scalia?
Alex: No, I did not say "The justice who makes up history." Or "The justice who refuses to recuse himself." What, are none of you going to answer now? I thought you were all buzzing in...
Alex: Alright! Go for it 3L Who Doesn't Give a Shit.
3LWDGAS: Who is Scalia?