Wednesday, June 30, 2004

"PC Load Letter"

For anyone who's ever seen Office Space, they know what's so funny about the title of this post.

Well, today, one of the printers in the office flashed those very words to me.

I burst out in laughter. No one else around me had seen the movie, so it wasn't as funny to them.

Man, I wish I went to work with more people who had seen that movie... Especially since there are so many cubicles here.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Temporary Insanity

Do you ever have those moments where you just want to break out of societal norms and go crazy?

I've been working on a presentation and website for work for a month. I just got comments back. I don't mind constructive comments; I've been groomed to take those all my life.

You know when some people just get nit-picky? Especially when we say that a page is not really a part of the site. It's only a filler until we get the real page up.

I wanted to call the nit-picker. I wanted to scream that she just didn't get it. I worked hard, and how would she feel if she were in my place?

I imagined the call. The screams came out in lines like cartoons often do.

Then I held back because I have to work in this community for a while and it wouldn't be good to be known as the girl who flipped her lid.

But it would have been fun...

I'm Almost There

Last night, I went to a birthday party for a fellow classmate. She and I have known each other since the beginning of school, so it was fun to hang out with her outside of some school gathering.

I decided to stop on my way to the birthday party to invite one of my other friends who doesn't go out much. I was really excited when the Selective Hermit eagerly jumped at the chance to go to the party with me.

A good time was had by all who went. Selective Hermit and I had work the next day, though, so we had to cut out a little early.

When I dropped off Selective Hermit, she and I talked about Ex for a while (being she is friends with both of us). She pointed out a few things that I hadn't admitted to myself yet and reconfirmed other thoughts I had. Talking to her made things a lot better.

I think I'm actually at the point when I'm ready to stop talking about him in the Ex-fashion. I'm actually tired of talking about it. It makes it harder to get over because I'm constantly opening the wound instead of letting it heal.

I know there are some out there who don't know the story, but for those people, isn't it better to know that I'm truly becoming my happier former self again? I'm really starting to feel like me again.

What I'm trying to take away from this experience is how not to lose myself again. It's so hard because the way I am in a relationship so different from how I am in life. I guess the key is to finding someone who likes me the way I am, so I won't feel the need to conform to his ideals.

But the most important fact to take from this postings is: I'm almost completely over it. Isn't that great?

Sunday, June 27, 2004

"What We've Got Here Is Failure to Communicate..."

Ok, I totally get it now.

I totally see why Cool Hand Luke is the guy movie.

What guy wouldn't want to be insanely attractive, authority defying Paul Newman?

Until the very end, Cool Hand Luke did not conform to the prison rules and he did so with more smoothness than James Dean could ever muster.

While I didn't find this one of the best movies ever, I can totally get why every guy who ever saw it did.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Less Bitter

What's funny is I'm learning things every day that makes it easy to be away from Ex. I'm sure he's a nice guy deep down inside somewhere, but I've decided I don't think I could ever think of him that way. I just will always hold onto the fact that he couldn't be honest with me when it came to what he wanted out of the relationship. I wanted to be serious; he wanted someone to call when he wanted to do something.

He told a mutual friend (before things ever got bad between the two of us) that he never saw himself having kids with me. Then why stay in the relationship? That doesn't even make sense. Knowing that makes it easier to get over him because I know he was never on the same page and it wasn't that I didn't give him enough time.

Why even date someone then? I was always honest, and obviously he wasn't. I gave him numerous opportunities to tell me how he felt, and he always gave a cop out answer.

I'm almost me again. I'm still angry that he seems to be encroaching on my friends. He didn't want to hang out with them while we were dating, and now he's calling them to go do stuff. What's wrong with all his friends we hung out with when we were dating?

Anyway, I'm just rambling. I just really wanted to say, it's getting so much better, and soon, I won't feel bad at all about it.

Ex Messing with My Blog

Well, not really. He's just putting my blog address instead of his when he comments on other people's blogs. I think it's because one time I commented on someone's blog while on his computer and it's remembered my address ever since. I emailed him to inform him of this problem. I don't want people reading his comments, coming to my blog, and wondering why I seem to be an angry girl instead of the guy who commented on the other blog.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

OK, Thouroughly Depressed Now

I just finished watching Schindler's List.

Whoa, was that a depressing movie.

I'll Take One Customer Service Rep, in English, Please

I've had enough of these customer service people who obviously are not American. I'm not talking about the Indian accent that's cluing me in.

It's the fact they can't spell OREGON! Or LOUISIANA!

I know for a fact that most American children must learn how to spell the states when they are in elementary school. (Ugh, how I hated those state/capital tests, but now I brag about how I can still name all fifty. Did it bother anyone else when their parents would make them learn how to spell Oklahoma? I mean, if they give the state or the capital, Oklahoma is in both of them, so why should I have to waste my time learning to spell it?)

When I get a customer service representative who can't spell my state, I've had enough. It's one thing to outsource American jobs. I'm angry about that. Especially cushy service rep jobs. These jobs require someone to sit down and read from a computer screen. There is very little connection to the amount of knowledge a person has in their head to actual information he gives you. These are the perfect lazy American jobs.

Instead, these nice jobs go to India because when you can pay these people less a dollar an hour to do this because the money transfers so well to Indian Rupees why would you pay minimum wage in America?

I don't know about you, but I have enough of this. I want someone who can spell the states of the United States. I want someone who can think outside the box when I ask a question that is not on the computer screen. I want Americans to have a chance to take these jobs before we decide to send them to India.

I don't know what to do though. It's not like you can boycott these products because everyone does it. Is it really in Congress' power to make a law forbidding this sort of thing?

I would definitely like to know this.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Bathroom Break

My new resolution that I made when I was home in Louisiana was to drink 64 oz. of water a day. This new resolution has me using the bathroom way more than I normally do.

At work this isn't a problem because the bathroom is right next to my office.

Today, there was an Out of Order sign on the door! Oh my god! I had to go downstairs. I cut it too close. It's OK to cut it close when the bathroom is right there. Because the bathroom isn't, I have to account for travel time. Great.

This water thing sucks.

Oh, and my other resolution was to exercise again. I've managed to put on 10 pounds (well, more like 7 or 8) since school started. I didn't get up this morning because I didn't get to bed at a good time last night. RM got home late and we had to catch up. I should do my pilates when I get home. If it ever gets sunny again, I'll start swimming.

Damn gray Portland.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Final Jeopardy!

So the 15-day champion of Jeopardy didn't get today's Final Jeopardy question.

Guess what.

I DID! I'm so smart. I got something Ken didn't get! Yea yea yea!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

What Was I Missing?

I'm not being egotistical when I say I have been a good student in general in law school. Of the two year-long courses, I got a grade better in each than the first semester (on a +/- system).

Crim Pro, on the other hand, was a joke. The prof was always mixed up with all of her different obligations. She wasn't even in town for the final because she had to be in Mexico for something.

That was my worst grade. She had model outlines for the answers. She didn't even give any credit for talking about things that weren't at issue and why. I'm sorry, but every other professor in law school has said that if we don't say why it doesn't apply, they don't know we know it. It would have been nice to give us some sort of clue when we were doing hypos in class. I just don't understand how I could have been so off. My one professor who was the hardest, I got my best grade. She didn't hide the ball, though. It's hard to do well in her class, but she actually lets you know what she wants.

I'm just glad I never have to take Prof. Crim Pro ever again. She's so disorganized. It just sucked I had to get her in my first year and screw up my GPA. I think I'm going to have to forgo Fall Recruiting.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Looking Back, I Was Right

I went though my Inbox today and deleted messages from BF. Looking back, things were really good in the beginning. We were no where close to that in the end. I guess it really was for the best. A few examples:

Monday 11/10/03 11:56pm:
"...You actually are gonna be one of the ten percent people. I think it's gonna be pretty cool, you can take me to dinner and buy me nice things, or just buy a house and let me work on it..."

"...You obviously have the standard to judge, and more importantly you can give good advice. You do well on your papers, share a little of what you do. Your ideas about the form are clear and you
can share that. It's gonna be better than any other advice your paper swapper gets..."

--He actually praised me and believed in me... and verbalized it

"...What happened to all these plans? do you think you're behind? if I can lend you hand let me know."

--He was actually giving of his time.

Monday 11/10/03 11:57pm:
Subject line: Most Importantly
"I'd like to kiss you."

--He was actually romantic

Monday 12/8/03 10:24am (before my first final):
"Good luck, you're gonna do great."

I'm really glad I looked through these. It made me feel like there was a reason I started dating him and why we dated for seven months. We just didn't have the same thing going for us at the end. I don't really know what changed, or even who changed. We obviously did change because there was none of this at the end. There was no reason to keep going the way we were.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Things Change...

Just like my relationship with BF. Or my former relationship. Isn't it funny that you would think you would have more time to spend together but instead you end up with more time to yourself?

That's the difference a month makes.


Friday, June 04, 2004

I Live on the Edge... I Go to Children's Movies at 11:30 pm

I just got back from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! I have seven things I would like to elaborate on, and none of them include specific details about the movie.

1. Everyone has grown up in the movie!
It was so interesting because I watched the first two movies yesterday and today to prep for the release of this one. Everyone is so much older now. I almost didn't recognize Neville or Seamus. Still, I thought it was great that they got to grow with their parts!

2. I picked the best way to see the movie.
I Fandango-ed my tickets, as I mentioned earlier. I went alone. I left my apartment at 11 pm. The movie started at 11:30. I went to the ticket window, picked up my ticket, and stood in the already moving line. When I got inside, which wasn't too long of a wait, I found a seat in the rear (which is where I prefer to sit) because I was by myself. People always leave a seat open, and I was able to find one right off the bat. No sitting in the front for me! The people I was sitting next to had been standing in line since 8 pm! Crazy.

3. I think this was my favorite Harry Potter movie.
No offense to Chris Columbus, who did a great job with the first two movies, but I thought this was by far the best so far. I'll leave it up to you to decide for yourself. To give Chris his props, we couldn't have had this movie if he hadn't have done such a great job on the first two.

4. Small differences between the first two and this one.
The ties for the uniform were a little different, and everyone had much different hairstyles. It was pretty weird, but I guess that fits with the growing up part of #1. Oh, and the new Dumbledore isn't a distraction at all. There were a lot more outside scenes as well.

5. Everyday clothing.
It's rather strange how much the trio were in everyday clothes, but at the same time, a lot of the story took place outside of class. That's obvious from the books, I think. I think it stems from the fact that we know what class is like and we're not so interested in that part of Harry's world anymore. Still, the everyday clothes were enough to make me take notice.

6. Things missing from the book.
There were things missing. I even heard people complaining at the end of the movie. But remember, the book is so long and the movie is only two and a half hours long. I saw an interview with J.K. Rowling and Steven Kloves (the screenwriter). J.K. admitted that she would allow certain details to not be used (because the book is chock-full of details) because they don't play a part in the large scheme. I think of the movie as a supplement to the book, only to be seen after reading the book. Bottom line: If it's in the movie, it's important. If it wasn't, it's not.

7. Dressing up to see a movie.
I was terrified I would be seeing a movie with a bunch of adults who dressed up like wizards and witches (by the way, there were no kids -- thank god). In fact, I only saw one person who had on a robe. After the movie was over, I noticed, she was wearing a green robe. That's when I realized she wasn't so much dressed up for the movie as she was for her high school graduation. I didn't hold it against her at that point because I remember how excited I was when I graduated from high school and college.

I'm terribly sorry for going on, but I saw the movie alone. I would usually discuss on end with the person I saw it with. Well, if you got this far, it's also your own fault that you kept reading. Anyway, I'm just so excited that I've seen the movie! I've been waiting forever for it!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Harry Potter!

I'm going see it TONIGHT. At 11:30. On the giant screen. By myself. I really don't care about that last prepositional phrase. I'm just excited I'm seeing it tonight!!!

Plus, I Fandangoed my tickets, so no waiting in line for me!


Jung - Myers-Briggs Personality Test

I took the personality test today. Here are the RESULTS.

What I thought was most interesting about the results is at one point the analysis stated my personality type was an "open door policy." I picked the new name for my blog because I felt pretty open about my life to share it on the internet and it sounded like a cool name that related to law school.

I'm just impressed that I was able to pick something so close to my personality.

I can even compare my compatibility to others when they have their results.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

For Aggie...


Copyright © 2003-2005 Leila Borazjani