Saturday, May 29, 2004

I'm Going Home Soon

I miss home and the New York Times just makes me miss it more...

I can't wait to go home. I can't wait to see everyone. And this time, I'm going to catch some Cajun and Zydeco music. I'm home for 10 days. That's enough time to get my finances in order and catch some dancing. Maybe I can get an old Cajun man to teach me the two-step. That's always my favorite part. Usually, we just end up two-stepping in circles around the dance floor. I usually have trouble progressing farther than that. Maybe this time I'll move up to turns or something...

I'm going home in two weeks, and I can't wait.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I Sold It!

I just made 51 bucks from a Gmail account... Whoa. I don't know how much ebay will charge me yet, but I just made some free cash. Woo woo. Just thought I would update.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

For Those of You Who Covered Water Rights in Property...

... today's M-W's word of the day is riparian.

riparian \ruh-PAIR-ee-un\ adjective

: relating to or living on the bank of a natural watercourse or sometimes of a lake or tidewater

Example sentence:
Residents of the riparian community learned to brace themselves for a flood whenever the river was close to cresting its banks.

Did you know?
"Riparian" came to English from the same source that gave us "river" — the Latin "riparius," a noun deriving from "ripa," meaning "bank" or "shore." First appearing in English in the 19th century, "riparian" can apply to things that occur alongside a river (such as riparian towns, trees, etc.) as well as things that are found within it (riparian rocks, fish, etc.). Some river communities have laws called "riparian rights," referring to the rights of those owning land along a river to have access to the waterway. Note the distinction of this word from "littoral," which usually refers to things that occur along the shore of a sea or ocean.

I think a better sentence is: The East is more free with their riparian water rights than the West is with their prior appropriation rights because water is easier to come by in the East.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Calling Baton Rouge

I haven't taked to Baton Rouge for a really long time now. Don't get me wrong, BR and I have talked before now, but it was always really short updates before one had to go.

I actually called BR, but when she wasn't able to talk, I was possessed by a fit to go running. I couldn't run fast enough, but I was soon worn out because I haven't run in a while. I brought my phone with me, but I didn't feel it ring. When I slowed down to a walk, I checked my phone, and BR had called. I called her back, but my phone then died. I proceeded to turn around and jog back.

On my way back, I was passed by a white Jeep who whooted at me. I proceeded to ignore it. Then a pick-up truck full of guys whistled at me. I was pretty disgusted at this point (not to mention disgusting -- I had failed to shower today, I hadn't shaved in weeks, I didn't have on any make up, and I was all sweaty from running). I then had to wait at the crosswalk for my "Walk" signal. Unfortunately, Jeep was waiting for a turn signal. He got my attention and asked if I was single. I told him no, and he told me it was too bad because he thought I was beautiful. I politely thanked him and ran across the street. Man, standards must be dropping around the country. I was GROSS.

I continued to run until I got to my complex. (Jeep wasn't following me, if that's what you're thinking.) When I stopped, I had a stitch in my side. I lifted my arm to make it go away. Then I got a stitch in my arm. I don't know what to lift when you get a stitch in your arm.

When I got back in, I plugged in my phone and talked to BR for two hours. I'm glad I got to talk to her. It had been a while and I was really in need of someone to talk to.

It's good that I was able to keep the really good friends. I need to call New York this week. I miss him, too.

I Didn't Get Up Earlier Enough This Morning

I left to go grocery shopping at WinCo at noon today. Bad idea. My plan was to go early Sunday morning. WinCo, for those of you who don't know, is really cheap and often filled with welfare recipients or parents with 20,000 kids. If you go early enough, you beat both types of crowds. I didn't.

Instead I was in the store with a bunch of people who blocked the aisles, frantically grabbed at items on the shelves, and refused to try to be nice to anyone. In addition to all this, I was rewarded for my late shopping time with thousands of screaming kids, hanging off the cart, taking up an aisle by themselves.

I wasn't very nice either. I lost my sympathetic smile and coutesy. Maybe that's what happened to everyone else. Either way, it's my fault for going so late in the day.

I'm Whoring Myself Out

Well, not really. Only my google email account. I've never been a member of something long or early enough to warrant a special invitation. This time, though, I have 6 email accounts without google, so I decided to try and take advantage of the capitalist society that is America. My auction ends in three days, which probably means the air will go out of selling the accounts and I'll get diddly. Right now accounts are going for over 70 bucks! Maybe, just maybe, I'll have an extra 70 at the end of three days. If not, I'll give my account to anyone that wants it. Just let me know.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Anne of Green Gables

I love when I have time to sit down for three straight hours and watch this movie that have seen at least ten times before. I still cry. I still love Anne and Gilbert.

By the way, did anyone ever notice how little Gilbert actually says? Most of the movie he's being ignored by Anne. That doesn't leave much room for talking. Maybe that's why he's so attractive... because they didn't have to worry about his acting abilities. Ah, and who couldn't love "sou-rry"?

Now I'm off to read a bit. I haven't been doing enough of that lately. It's mostly because I'm staying up too late and then getting up too early. I'm not in the mood to read at that point. But I'm going to read now.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Finals Russian Roulette

Our grades are posted online. Every time I open the page, I have this fear a grade will be posted. I hold my breath, and 5 times out of 6 there are no grades. Then there is that one time where there is one new grade. I have to be careful not to close the window before looking at the grade because I'm so used to not having any new grades. It's a game where I'm never sure what I'm going to get.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Walking to Work

I've decided to be nice to the environment... and my pocketbook. I've decided to walk the 15 minutes to work instead of driving the 5. Instead of frivolously spending my gas going to work, I'm going to frivolously spend it driving to BFs. It's OK, though, because I have my parents' gas card. I promise I won't be pulling any Reality Bites moves.

I've been to work 6 days so far and walked 2. I would be walking tomorrow as well if it weren't for the meeting downtown. I would need to leave at 6 AM to get to the meeting at 8... maybe even earlier.

Last night I went to a victory party for an Oregon Supreme Court Justice. The cool thing about Oregon is they have mail in ballots. That means there is only about 2 hours worth of reporting on local elections. They just put all the ballots through the machine starting around 6 and they're counted by 9. It's wonderful. It would be nice to run for an office here because the wait wouldn't be very long.

I also saw Troy the other night. I didn't hate it as much as BF, but I have to say I was disappointed with the number of glaring mistakes they made. I haven't even read the Iliad, and I know they screwed up with Achilles. He's not supposed to make it into the horse!!!

Ok, enough ranting. I'm tired and I want my fries to finish cooking. Mmm... carbs. I'm glad I'm not on Atkins. But it's OK to eat it because I walk to work.

Monday, May 17, 2004


Someone came to my site after searching for "small penis gallery."

Note: I talked about spam I received, not actual small penises... peni... penisisesis... whatever.


I'm so disappointed. I thought Buffy: Season 6 would be out this week. In fact, I was almost positive it came out last week. It didn't. It comes out next week. I've pre-ordered it and hope to have it delivered on Tuesday. I paid a bit more for it, but I sold back a few things on which more than paid for what I paid. Still... I want my season, and I want it NOW!

*Sigh* One week and one day.

Friday, May 14, 2004

My State Has Gone Nuts

I'm so ashamed. My state has gone crazy. Apparently, I'm going to break the law when I wear my low-rise jeans. Anytime I show my underwear, I should be fined.

Louisiana wants to ban low-rise pants.

Don't worry about the fact we're one of the poorest states in the nation. Or our education is the worst. We have no healthcare for the poor or most of the middle class. They're going to have to fire 100 teachers in one parish. Our quality of life is the worst in the nation. Our budget is never balanced, but we are going to ban underwear hanging out of pants.

Monday, May 10, 2004

New Blog Template... Again

I'm trying out the new blogger templates, complete with comments. Sadly, this means I lost old comments. I'm truly saddened by this because some were so funny and insightful. I hope you continue to post new comments.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

AIDS Walk New York

Check out Patrick's New York Blog to learn all about it.

Click here to donate money for Patricks's walk!

Please help him reach his goal!

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Stressed Out?

I came to a realization today. I think BF and I have been more stressed out throughout the course of out 6 months of dating than I have ever realized. I came to this conclusion when I thought about how much we just laughed last night. Just about really stupid stuff.

We didn't have a chance to be like that over winter break because I was gone two-thirds of the time and the last week I was back, we were snowed in. Being snowed in did not lend itself to being stress-free.

Last night was awesome. Stuff that only people in the room would have found funny was funny for 10 minutes after it was over. It still makes me laugh. I tried to explain why it was funny to my friend from Montana today, but she just gave me the obligatory chuckle.

Anyway. I have come to terms with the fact that we have been stressed, and we might actually be more fun to hang around when we don't have classes. That was an unexpected bonus.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

3 Down, 1 to Go

I had my torts exam this morning. I finished with an hour to spare. I don't know how that will turn out.

I'm just glad I'm almost done with my first year. I know I keep talking about the end of my first year, but it really feels like the year just started. It's also scary to think that I am 1/3 on my way to becoming a full-fledged lawyer. Today, while I was waiting for RM to finish her exam, I sat in the LRC (think student union with a lot less food and more professors offices) while two women sorted out all the gowns. The nice flowy gown with the big purple sash-thingy that hangs in the back (I'm sure there is a name for that) and the floppy hat. I'm going to have a floppy hat. I think it's smart to not give the students the cap and gown until now. I think I would wear it every day until graduation if I were to get it any earlier.

RM and I were discussing the meaning of the cap and gown. She doesn't see much behind it and only looks at graduation as a ceremony. I, on the other hand, see graduation and the cap and gown as an achievement. I go to graduation and wear the cap and gown to say, "Ha ha! You couldn't keep me down! I got throw it with all my teeth!" Or something like that. That's how I felt when I got to the end of my four years of being an engineering student. Walking across the stage with my dipolma in hand felt SOO good. I felt so vindicated for my blood, sweat, and tears. Well, I don't think there was any blood in undergrad, but there sure was in law school. Does sausage ring a bell?

My exam was this morning. Since then, I have been very productive. I have hung pictures, entered transactions into my register, and watched a movie.

That's productive. I'm going to be more productive tomorrow from 9-5 and the next day as well. Crim pro, ready or not, here I come!

Monday, May 03, 2004


Around 53:03 (first ass slap) - "Whoa"

The "worm" letter - "Whu?"

Peeing in the wedding dress - "Ew"

After - "Whoa"

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Way Too Close of a Call

With the second week of finals on the way, the last thing I needed was a mini-disaster. Tonight, I picked up my computer off the ground. Before I picked it up, it was on. After I picked it up, it was off. My attempts to wake it up didn't work. I even held down the power button -- NOTHING.

I freaked out for a minute before I realized that all my outlines are on the CD-ROM inside the computer. I call BF who tells me how to get it out. I then get on the phone with the Best Buy customer service. Or, I got to hear 30 minutes of looped advertising is what I should say.

I was on my cell phone with HP technical support. Or the routing people, I should say. Apparently all the lines to tech support were down. I asked how a 24-hour customer service number could not be working, and I just got "It's not working" in an Indian accent. I hate this exporting of our customer service telephone lines to countries with sing-song accents. It's very frustrating when you're already frustrated. I'd rather try to have a conversation with my boyfriend's cat. At least she doesn't even pretend to understand me. After confirming that I could not call them myself, I hung up.

I was still on the land line with Best Buy's continuous pleas for me to work for them and visit their web site (which I couldn't do without my computer, which is why I was calling them). BF called. I called him back on my cell phone. He became my one manned customer service. He looked up the owner's manual (which I'm sure I have somewhere, but since I lost the filing cabinet, I haven't been able to keep up with anything that didn't fit in an accordion folder). We found out all I had to do was press the reset button, and all was OK.

Disaster: averted. I don't have to drive out to f-ing Beaverton (home of the first Hooters in Oregon) tomorrow. Thank god. I can use that time to study and not freak out how there isn't much service left in customer service.

Thoughts as Finals Start to Wind Down

I've almost made it through a year of law school. I've been dating the same person for 6 months. I'm still friends with the same law students I became friends with before school starts. I only have a few friendship casualties outside of law school. My parents still like me. I still like my parents.

I think I accomplished a lot this year, not including classes. I've been able to balance life and class. I enjoy class and love law school. I'm actually a little sad that I won't be going to class with the same people all day next year. They're really cool, and I'm going to miss the closeness we shared in Contracts... though I don't think I'll miss Contracts that much.

Next year, though, I will probably have to branch out and have classes with *gasp* third years. I still think it's really important for me to write-on to the law review, though I have reasonable expectations that I won't make it. I am SBA secretary next year. I'm going to help get WLC on its feet again. I want to take Moot Court.

Most importantly, I survived. BF and I still like each other even after two sets of finals (one and a half right now). And I have a job this summer.

Copyright © 2003-2005 Leila Borazjani