I've been disenchanted with Mtv for a while. I don't really even listen to the radio anymore.
Today, I had the C-SPAN stream going on my computer. I then heard about this little contest Mtv had hosted. It got a college student on the program at the Democratic National Convention. Mtv played a montage of clips from people in my age group talking about what they wanted in a president and how they were going to vote this year.
I started crying. I was so moved. Getting the youth vote out has always been something close to my heart. I've even played around with starting groups and all. (I even had a name: READY - Reducing, Educating, and Activating the Disenfranchised Youth. It even worked with the slogan: Are you READY?) It was really strange to be crying, but it just meant so much to me. I really respected Mtv. What did they get out of it? There has to be some ulterior motive for them.
Even if there is, at least they are doing something that tries to put the youth where they belong in the election world.