What I Learned in Law School

Do these words sound familiar to anyone out there? Well, anyone who has grown up in my generation has to have been bogged down with some sort of court drama. You know these words. You know when you say them. Right before you get on the stand.
Yesterday I got a lesson from my contracts professor. Tell your clients should hold back unless they are asked a question by opposing counsel. We all stared back at her with our mouths open, in shock of what she was telling us we should do. As she looked back she was shocked herself at our... morality.

Then she told us that if we have a problem with that, then we need to "get over it." I couldn't help but laugh at this point. She proceeded to tell us there was nothing wrong with telling your clients to keep their mouth shut unless asked a direct question. See? Lawyers aren't bad people. They're just conditioned. I guess I just always assumed that the whole truth meant holding nothing back. Maybe I was wrong.
I'm quickly acquiring new skills as well. I've never had to play the dating game before. I can honestly say this because I've dated so few people before(remember the future of 100 cats?). The games usually come after I start dating the guy.
I was really bugged Crushee didn't call this weekend. Apparently he thinks I "scowled" at him Friday morning. I guess he didn't realize that I was trying to hold back tears of frustration and pain, so I didn't greet him with enthusiasm. He made a comment to RM, who relayed it back to me. I equated this to why he didn't call.

Sunday night, I devised a plan. I was lucky enough to see him Monday to enact it. I walked up to him and jokingly said, "So I hear you've been spreading rumors about me." He quickly replied that he didn't know what I'm talking about. I then informed him I know he told RM I scowled at him and thought I was sick and that we couldn't have wrong information spreading around school. He then laughed and explained himself. Then I went on to the lack of calling. I commented, "So, you must have had some crazy weekend." Crushee: "Why?" Me: "Because you didn't call to see what we were doing this weekend like you have for the past few weeks." He went on to explain what he did (like I really cared) and I smiled and nodded. (That's the secret to getting along with people.) I then excused myself and when to the library. He told me that he was going there as well. He did, and managed to sit in the within six feet of me.
I think I'm back in the game. As he was leaving, I saw him pass. He looked back at me. Yeah, I got myself back in. Not that I want to date him or anything. I just like having someone like me. Am I that selfish to keep myself in like that? Yes I am. Who doesn't like knowing someone likes them?