Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Don't Be That Guy

I have to share this story.

Setting: Library. Very quiet - the sound of writing and typing are the only sounds move through the air. After lunch.

Slowly, the sound began to swell. At first, it sounded like a computer that was having trouble saving to the a:\ drive or reading from the cd-rom drive. Then it sounded like a vibrating phone on a wooden desk. The sound was very rhythmic. Eventually snore identified itself.

Leaving the computer for only a second, the source had to be identified. Each passing cubicle increased the volume of the drone. Each person looked hard at work or was looking hard for the culprit. People began gathering their belongings. The stale quietness that induced great studying was being breached.

Finally, the napper was identified. Looking like a hard working student, his head was bent over an open law book. People stood around, unsure of what to do. Frustrated students hastily tried to find a new snore-free study zone, but the sound pierced through the shelves of mostly unused books.

Before a lynching ensued, one kind student awoke the napper. Peace was restored to the sanctuary of knowledge, and students returned to work, almost as if nothing happened.

Moral of the story: Don't nap in the library after a good meal, especially if you are a snorer.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Law School Sucks

Well, not really. I don't know why I said that. It's just be a long rough day. It started with a really disturbing dream and just ended with outlining shit.

I thought the day couldn't get any worse after I woke up. HA HA HA. We did manage to get the last carpool spot this morning. I'll tell you my tale of bitterness about that later. We got to class, and it just wasn't as fun as usual. I then talked to my mother for an hour on the phone. After that, I went to the library to finish typing all my notes into my computer. I was ready to jam the highlighter into my eye after about 30 minutes. I just stopped really caring whether I had all the property questions right.

Then I went to lunch. Not too bad. Oh, before I actually went to lunch, Cmd. Riker waited for me to exit the library study area to talk to me for a bit. It was nice, but it was 1 in the afternoon, and I just wanted to eat. The conversation was going no where fast, so I checked out to get my lunch.

After lunch, I wasted good time doing Legal Writing shit. W-A-S-T-E O-F T-I-M-E. Stupid class. Then I FINALLY finished typing in all my notes! I was so drained after that, I didn't know how I would make it through Civ Pro.

Outside of Civ Pro, RM asked me if she could put some stuff in the car. I left my personals with SC and we were off. By the time we got back (a whole five minutes later), it was time to go to class. Of course, this is when I see Crushee. I have no time to stop and chit chat, so I rush by, just like I always do. Ugh. It's just at that stupid point where you want to spend a lot of time with the person you like. I'm just convinced the moment I pick up the phone to suggest something casual like studying or watching a movie at the apartment, he'll be done. Thus, I digress.

I went to Civ Pro. It was the XL version today. We had to sit for an extra 30 minutes because we don't have it on Thursday (Yipee!). About a third of the way through it, I happen to go online to check my email, but instead I'm diverted by the awful headline on New York Times homepage about the passage of the Partial Birth Abortion Bill by the Senate. I'm shocked. I'm the NARAL commercial. I also got to read about the other Bush who put the woman back on the feeding tube in Florida. It's a world gone choice-less. During break, I spread the news to my fellow feminists. We were all sad and shocked and angered.

After the break, I surf a bit to see what others were saying. I went to the NOW website to read their article. I then found a link to the voting record. I can't tell you how angry I was to find that BOTH of my DEMOCRAT senators voted FOR this bill! Hello! Mary Landrieu, you are a W-O-M-A-N! How can you vote for this as a democrat and a woman? This has no medical provisions for women who are either going to be infertile and/or have terminally ill babies! If I would have known she was going to vote this way, then I would have voted for Terrell (and I told Landrieu this as well). At least she would have had a reason. I wrote two scathing emails while in class, and I plan on calling my local senate offices tomorrow. Maybe you should, too. Needless to say, I didn't pay much attention to the rest of Civ Pro.

Working out sucked because there's no circulation in the school gym, and I got sick. It took everything I had to finish. I got home and still didn't feel better. I took a shower, and that perked me up a bit. I read Con Law, and then I ... outlined. Ew. The beginning of the end. I'll explain at a later date why these things are so important. I have to go to bed now.

It's been a loooong day.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Sunday Night Wind Down

I am about to go to bed. I've had a pretty unproductive weekend, but I have a good excuse. There was less homework to do this weekend.

Quick run down:
Contracts was a short ~10 pages.
Con Law was only 4 pages.
Civ Pro, 28
Property, the homework already done for the week of cancelled classes
LAW, sucks, and I will try to research it on my own tomorrow.

If I haven't mentioned it, my property professor is back, and I'm loving property again. Maybe it's the material, or maybe it's the professor. Either way, I'm glad to have my Cub-loving prof back. Another benefit to having him back is we are finally going to cover the stuff we were supposed to cover the week he had his surgery. I've had that homework sitting in a notebook forever. Now I get to reap the benefits of working ahead.

I hate legal writing sometimes. I can't help but feel they are trying to waste our time with a class that is a credit/no credit class. Hmm... how much time should I really put into my homework. 4 credit hour property, no credit legal writing. 4 hour prop, no cred writing... I think I'm going to worry about prop.

Speaking of, I am very close to actually having all those notes in my computer now. I should be done tomorrow. It's so nice to see an end in sight.

So, now I'm off to bed. I'm tired and the cable company is coming over to deal with their crappy modem tomorrow morning. I don't have time to deal with their B.S.

Oh, and I didn't end up calling Crushee last night. Instead I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's. I love that movie. In fact, halfway though it, I had forgotten about even wanting to call him. Oh well. I probably won't see him tomorrow because I only have one class late in the afternoon. If I do, hopefully it won't be one of our typical weird conversations.

Good night.

My inner child is ten years old today

My inner child is ten years old!

The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, October 18, 2003

How Much Longer?

Last night I did end up going out with Crushee. We decided to go see a movie. We saw 28 Days Later..., which did freak me out a good bit. RM had to stand by my room so I could close the blinds without fear. I'm silly; I do know this. Anyway, he and I had a really good time. He picked me up (and this time I did remember to unlock his door for him not one, but two times. I was very proud of myself for remembering.) We decided to grab a glass of wine before the movie because we didn't have enough time to eat before the movie started. As we walked down the street he pointed out a few nice restaurants, telling me he would take me too them if he had enough money. Nice thought.

The movie theater itself was pretty interesting. It sold pizza and beer and had mini-tables to put all your stuff on. I'm just glad that I at my pizza before the movie really started because I didn't touch my beer once it did. Crushee later asked about that. He was concerned I didn't like it. I let him know that even if it was just water I wouldn't have been able to touch it. I was way too tense (and the movie had one too many gross things going for it) for me to drink (or even eat) anything.

After the movie, we went to a wine bar and had another glass of wine. We talked a bit and had a really nice time. As we were walking back to the car, I apologized for talking about my family a lot. They tend to be in every other story I tell. He then said he hangs out with me to get to know me and if my family is important to me then it's something he wants to learn about. Really sweet.

So we got back to my place. This time I held the door open to imply that he was more than invited to enter. I excused myself to go to bathroom. When I came out he was sitting on the sofa. I offered him something to drink, which he declined. We then started talking about my extensive movie collection, eventually moving over to them. Somehow we migrated toward the kitchen. We weren't too far apart or anything, but the boy still made no moves. I really don't get it. We talked for a while and then he said it was late, and he had to get to bed. I walked him out, thanked him, and that was it. Hmm... I don't get this guy. The last time I had a guy not kiss me for this long was in high school. Every other guy has made the move after the first date. I'm beginning to think I'm going to be forced to grab and kiss him instead. I don't know.

I thought about calling him to see if he wanted to come over to see a movie, but I haven't and don't know if I will. Maybe I'll just watch a movie by myself. Or finish watching the one I was watching last night.

Friday, October 17, 2003

It Strikes Again

I am the girl who constantly gets allusions to dates but never actually sees one.

Last night I went to a bar that was having karaoke night. (I didn't sing because I couldn't think of a good song that someone hadn't already sung.) Toward the end of the night, another 1L I had seen around before began talking to me. I've always thought he was kind of cute and he looked like Commander Riker on Star Trek: The Next Generation. So Cmd. Riker and I spent a good thirty minutes talking and having a good time. He even bought me a drink. He asked in the middle of the conversation if I was married or had a boyfriend, to which I emphatically responded, "No."

Toward the end of the conversation he asked if I had any plans for the weekend, and I, once again, emphatically responded, "No." Guess what happened next. NOTHING! Oh my gosh! What is wrong with these guys? Why can't they ever ask me on a date? Within a reasonable time frame? He did say, though, he really enjoyed talking to me... three times!

Whatever. I'm not adding Cmd. Riker to the list of boys just yet. He needs to show a little more interest before I do. He is added to the STUPID list, though, of those who won't ask me out even though they act like they are going to.

Crushee did just call and invite me to a movie "if something cool is playing." We'll have to see if that really goes anywhere itself.

Monday, October 13, 2003

Monday Morning... Not Much Better

After I wrote my last entry in the library, I went to my aunt's, had supper, and returned to the library again to try to accomplish SOMETHING. Guess what. I didn't. I spent a good thirty minutes surfing the internet because it's been down at home. After about 30 minutes, Crushee walks by and asks what my plans were for the evening. I really didn't have any except to do some frickin' homework, but we decided to go to a party... together(?). Well, he agreed to pick me up.

I lied and said that I would get ready in 30 minutes, when actually I left immediately after he did to give myself a full hour to get ready. It turns out I didn't need to hurry. I didn't realize we weren't set on a time. Anyway, he arrived and we were off.

He actually came to my side first and unlocked and opened my door for me. Then I failed "The Test." I totally know about the test, and I failed. I did not lean over to unlock his door. It didn't hit me until I got to bed that night. I feel dumb. Maybe next time I can fix it.

So we went to the party and had a good time. He found dumb reasons to grab my hand or touch my back. I didn't say anything mean. At one point he asked if I was serious about going to the opera with him. I told him, "I wrote it down. Why wouldn't I be serious?" Guys are so dumb sometimes.

Anyway, at the end of the night we had to bring another girl home. I know for a fact that it might not have been totally necessary to bring her home first. Plus, she was sitting in the back. I had to get out to let her out. Then we get back to my place. He walks me to the door and then just stands at the top of the stairs. Hmm... I'm wondering what he's afraid of. I didn't think to invite him in. It's usually not necessary. RM suggested that since it was 2:30 in the morning he was afraid I would think he was trying to sleep with me or something. I don't know. I was too buzzed at that point to think any further through it.

The next day, when I was talking to RM, she told me the 2L she is seeing has a really good friend that wants to take me out. Here is where I get confused. I have never "dated" in the sense where I go out with multiple people at one time. It's a foreign idea to me, and makes me feel bad. I don't know what to do. I told RM to show me who this guy is (because even though he saw me at softball, I have no idea who he is). I figured I'd make a decision after that.

Is it really bad to see more than one guy at a time? At what point do you single it down to one person? What are you allowed to do while dating two people, and what shouldn't you do? These are all very pertinent questions.

Oh, and don't you just love life? I mean, two weeks ago, I was convinced I would never date anyone in law school, and now I have two guys to deal with at one time. You think life could spread it out a little more? (I'm still going to end up with 100 cats by the way. Don't think this is a deterrent.)

Saturday, October 11, 2003

So Far This Weekend Has SUCKED.

Seriously, it has. I'm sitting in the library (not being productive, as usual), I smell like smoke, my team lost, and he didn't call last night. Yeah, it's only Saturday afternoon, and this weekend sucks. It will either get much better, or it will get much worse. Well, I guess it's pretty obvious. No, actually it could just stay the same, so I don't have to apologize for that unnecessary statement.

I smell like smoke because I sat down at a sports bar for three hours to watch my #6 team lose at home to an unranked team who happens to be one of our biggest rivals. I didn't think I smelled that bad. I went home and changed my shirt and sprayed hairspray in my hair.

When I got to school, it was raining. Maybe the smell is emitting from my unchanged pants. Ugh, I can't stand the smell of myself. That's pretty gross. I didn't have time to take another shower because I needed to get to the library to get some work done, which I am so obviously not doing.

This weekend sucks so far.

Friday, October 10, 2003

Maybe He'll Call Tonight

I'm hoping he calls to do something tonight. He hasn't said anything about it this week, but then again he hasn't really called until Friday nights, most of the time. Problem is I already told SC I would do something with her. We'll deal with that if and when it happens.

Well, I'm in property right now, and then classes will be over for the weekend. Unfortunately, next week will be HELL with make up property classes and extended civ pro classes. Think of me this weekend while I do TONS of homework.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

It's a Date?

I think I was asked out by Crushee. Can you believe it? It was kind of quick and almost able to be passed over. I'm sort of in shock. It's odd, though. It's an opera a month away.

It's a Puccini opera. I haven't heard of it before, but I do like operas, so I don't really mind. He even promised to buy dinner if he has the money. It's a little "Pretty Woman" for me, but I don't think I mind. It's kind of a funny place to start. I promise not to cry, though. I'm going to fail the "Opera Test"

It was really odd because he was sitting next to me outside of class. He was actually talking to someone else before he just asked me if I wanted to go to the opera with him. I wasn't even sure that he was talking to me. After I clarified he was, I agreed. I had to ask him three time when it was. I wrote it down. I have a date in my planner. Granted it was a month away, but it's still in there.

He even asked me in front of other people. He seemed so unlikely to ever ask me out on the phone, much less with other people sitting around listening. It was pretty smooth between the two of us, almost like we do stuff together all the time. I don't know. It's just weird. Maybe we're at a zero on the sign graph and capitalizing on it for once. I'm pretty sure he was like, "Yo, it's a date. You better get it," because he told the girl I thought he was talking to something to the effect of "Yeah, we're leaving you out. Ha ha."

Yeah, I think I have a date.

Monday, October 06, 2003

New Procrastination Tool

Oh my gosh. I only have an hour left to get some massive studying done. I'm so behind this week. I haven't done property and it's due tomorrow. I need to get my ass in check. What's wrong with me?

What's wrong? I can give you two really good reasons. 1) New Laptop 2) Damn it, I can't stop thinking about Crushee.

Topic one: I have my laptop at school now. That means I have wireless internet no matter where I go. That's bad. Massive forms of distraction at my finger tips. Exhibit 1: This posting.

Topic two: So I've had a while to think about it. Now it's all I think about. Damn him. I was doing so well before. He had to go and shake things up. I had a totally awkward conversation with him right before I got to the library (yeah, I'm in the library not studying). I was like, yeah. He was like, yeah. (Sing to the tune of "My body's like, whoa" by Mya.) Yeah, I told him I was going to the library to study. He said he was about to go home to eat them come back to study. I told him I was leaving at 5; he said he wasn't coming back until 7. That was the extent of the conversation. Now neither one of us will be able to hold a conversation. Great.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Brain Fart

By the time Friday rolled around, I was a napping fiend. In less than two days, I felt I could not function without a midday snooze. I went home after classes, waiting for the UPS man to arrive with my new laptop (to hopefully improve my efficiency in class by typing notes from the get-go). He arrived, I did a dance, and the laptop and I were bound together forever, or at least until my three year service plan runs out.

I spent a good part of the afternoon installing programs and reorganizing my notes. After a few hours, the lack of napping started to affect me. I wanted nothing more than to lay down in my bed and sleeeeeep, but I couldn’t leave my new partner just yet. I decided to spend some quality time with it playing hearts. He beat me every time, but what can you expect, it’s a computer… programmed to beat you at every game.

As I was playing hearts, the phone rang. HIM. Crushee called again. This time he managed to call before 5 in the afternoon, a great change for once. He asked if we (I assume the trio when he says “you guys”) had any plans. I said I didn’t have plans, and he invited me to see a rock show with some of his friends. In the bliss of a heart-warming card game with my new partner and the severe effects of withdrawal from lack of napping, my brain suddenly lost ability to function. I instantly (although not enthusiastically) agreed. He tried to give me directions, but since the brain was essentially on off, I couldn’t understand directions to my bedroom, much less a place downtown. I told him I would call him later and get directions then. I hung up the phone and realized what I did. I had a brain fart.

I immediately went to bed for a nap. I greeted my bed with such glee, you would have thought that there was a naked, straight, Calvin Klein, male supermodel in my bed, but there was nothing but my down comforter and blue sheets.

When I awoke, I was faced with my stupidity. I ate some goldfish crackers (the snack that smiles back… hmm, not actually very appetizing, but I’ll save that for another day) and watched some CSPAN (I’m also a CSPAN junkie, another story for another day). I called Crushee to get directions, also using the conversation to try and find someone else who was going I might know, but he could tell me of no one. He also asked if I had eaten anything yet. I told him of the handful of goldfish, and then he said nothing more about it. I think he was going to ask me to dinner or something, but was frightened off by my obviously filling snack of soup crackers. I don’t know what to make of him.

I then started calling all my friends to obtain a companion for the night. I was afraid of joining the minority brigade. I knew I stuck. There was no one who would go with me and no way for me to get out of it. I drove downtown, mostly on my own because his directions SUCKED. I was proud of myself for figuring it out for the first time on my own. I got to the bar and found him and his friends. (Just a note, they were all white… another hmm must be inserted here because in a conversation earlier this semester he made it sound like he could only have minority friends.)

To summarize the night, I had a really good time. A few things were kind of weird, like making potential plans for New Years and when his friend said she went inside so he could walk me to my car and give us a little time to ourselves (I actually was giving them a ride to their car). He did ask me three times that night to join him and his friends the next night to see a movie and get something to eat, to which each time I responded that I had already made plans with another friend. (He called the next day to invite me again, and I told him the same thing. He sounded defeated when we got off the phone, like I had given him a brush off or something.)

Now I’ve done something with him, and things are all different now. I’m not really sure how I feel about anything anymore. I just know that I’m not sure. It’s so hard to deal with this stuff and law school at the same time. If he were to just ask me out flat, I would say yes now because I’m interested to see where things go and to talk about issues I question about him. Now it’s moving forward. I’ll probably move back to the liking him part just to have him move back to the casual part with me. I don’t have time for a sine graph.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

A New Addiction

What I didn't think would happen in law school would be the creation of an addiction to napping. I have never been a napper in my life. In kindergarten I would get in trouble for keeping the other kids up during nap time. In fact, my mom knew when I was getting sick if I started to sleep during the day. I'm just trying to fill you in on how I didn't nap. Even in college, if I tried to sleep other than at night, I became cranky and disoriented. I got up at 5 in the morning for practice three days a week, but yet I still didn't nap.

Something strange has happened the six weeks I have been in law school. I'm finding my power to stay away slowly draining. I always have an excuse, too. It's too early in the morning. It's too late in the afternoon. I just ate lunch. I'm hungry. The professor doesn't talk loudly enough. The professor talks too loudly. Well, I've never actually used the professor talking too loudly as an excuse for falling asleep... yet.

Yesterday I was sitting in the library doing some homework. As I was reading I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep focused. Then I noticed that I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. I decided that I had to try to sleep. For just a few minutes. I just laid my head down on the desk and closed my eyes. It was so easy and so peaceful. I was happy. Then SC lightly scratched me on the back to ask me a question. It was only ten minutes later, but I felt so refreshed.

This morning I was sitting in the library again. I decided to take a secluded seat by the window. I read for a good bit of time, but then I felt the need coming on again. I closed my book, laid down my head, and fell asleep. This time I slept for about 15 minutes. Yet again, I woke up refreshed. After lunch, I was in the library once more (are you noticing a theme here?). I felt awake and ready to study. I started reading. My eyes drooped. I couldn't resist. I TOOK ANOTHER 15 MINUTE NAP! Oh my gosh! What is wrong with me? I can't stay awake anymore. I can't keep napping like this. This has to be some sort of sickness. Twice in one day? Can I overdose on napping? What happens when I think I need a quick fix in class? Will I just break out the kindermat and catch some z's? I woke up with frickin' sleep marks on my face! "Oh, excuse me while I wipe the drool off my face... and book!" (No, I did not drool on my book. Instead I dreamt about future interests. Yeah, I can't even get away from school when I'm sleeping.)

I think this napping might be worse than coffee.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Learning Via Television

I got home this afternoon and turned on the TV. After looking at the onscreen guide, I decided for a little home schooling... (Cue intense music.)

I watched what's her name kick some stupid people butt. It was really exciting. I knew what she was talking about half the time. I only watched two cases, but the first one was all about damages. He tried to claim actual, she gave him a significant amount less than actual, but then granted punitive. (Actual is what you can actually prove you lost. He lost clothes, but he didn't have receipts to prove he had almost 2500 bucks worth of loss. Punitive is damages you award to someone who has done something wrong. You don't have to prove any sort of value. Often punitive is comparable to your total worth. There's one more. Nominal. It's just to say you were wronged, can't do much about it. Here's a dollar. Seriously it's always a dollar. You're welcome for the civil procedure lesson.) It was learning right in the comfort of my own living room.

Today in contracts, I actually got a hard question right. I was really excited. I almost felt like Hermione in Harry Potter because I was so excited. I controlled my urge to stick my hand up in the air and wave it about furiously. I thought outside the box... even if I did forget my brief and book at home today.

Copyright © 2003-2005 Leila Borazjani